2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


proteus wrote:
davidfroshanzen wrote:Chasis or aerodimic need in s1. And the trouble is in s1. EB please explain for us why?
The problem today is all over the track. Definetly dissapointing and somehow unexpected, but we shall see what happens tomorrow. Especially Buttons car was quite tail-dance happy in the accelerations.
No. Shasha say this is about chasis and PU drivibility

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Apart from "birthday" problems last year, lets hope this is the lowest point of Mclaren-Honda relationship.
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


I'm not exactly qualified to comment on McHonda's relative competitiveness, but I always felt the notion that they are better than STR is inaccurate. I believe Button's 19 points are the more realistic reflection of where the team stands in the pecking order. Button is an excellent driver, and compares favorably to the likes of Sainz and Kvyat.
Alonso's 42 points is just Alonso doing what Alonso does.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


So if you beleive what Sasha says ... Basicly their FRIC replacement isn't doing the job. That combined with the PU drivabilty.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Yeeee. Totally right. Mclaren chassis is nothing special as already told. There is long way to go. Alonso should look for new team now.
diffuser wrote:So if you beleive what Sasha says ... Basicly their FRIC replacement isn't doing the job. That combined with the PU drivabilty.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


davidfroshanzen wrote:
proteus wrote:
davidfroshanzen wrote:Chasis or aerodimic need in s1. And the trouble is in s1. EB please explain for us why?
The problem today is all over the track. Definetly dissapointing and somehow unexpected, but we shall see what happens tomorrow. Especially Buttons car was quite tail-dance happy in the accelerations.
No. Shasha say this is about chasis and PU drivibility
If you believe that Honda has a small compressor so their driveability should be better than the rest because it has a gradual boost build up.
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Before the race today there was interview on sky sports by Martin Brundle with Ron Dennis he asked about next year's progress so far and the reply from Ron was that the engine is already in Dyno for testing and also the progress of chasis is also progressed ahead of schedule and he claims that the cars will be 4 to 6 sec faster, lets just hope his words are true this time. Also he was asked about Apple takeover but Ron said he would not confirm nor deny it.

I think their problem today was with tires just like williams team, hass team extracted more out of those tires compared to other midfielders.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


I think the reason McHonda performed so well at Sepang was due to the track resurfacing. The track was super smooth and there aren't any curbs to ride so they could run a very stiff set up. I expect they will do well at COTA because of the same reasons.

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Re: Honda Power Unit


Sasha wrote:McLaren had/has problem with the rear from day 1! People in the know point to rear suspension design and their aero design.(too much drag) So at tracks like this they just can't get the chassis balance right.Blame goes to Honda for making a low power PU(can't push high DF aero) and McLaren for bad Drag to DF numbers.

So like Monaco, Mclaren Honda is about the worse car on the track at Suzuka.

And in my past post...smooth means chassis DF balance. Yes....you hit the curbs, that balance goes out the door but the best chassis gets back to normal business the fastest after hitting the curb.
It is a very aero sensitive track (Suzuka) in that following another car is very difficult unless you have a tire advantage. The McLaren just never got a chance to run in clean air with fresh tires. I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses for them, but they weren't as slow as they appeared.

I hope that they have setup problems partly because they're not bothering to upgrade a suspension that will not carry over, and because of the power unit. Because if that's the case it's something that can be fixed and improved, if they just have lousy aero performance then they'll be forever lost like Williams.
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


So i wasn't here for the Weekend, didn't watch any F1 on TV....

Just saw the Race Result and... what the Heck happend there? :o :shock:
Were they driving around in the new NSX's for Promotion instead of the F1 Cars or what?
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Thunders wrote:So i wasn't here for the Weekend, didn't watch any F1 on TV....

Just saw the Race Result and... what the Heck happend there? :o :shock:
Were they driving around in the new NSX's for Promotion instead of the F1 Cars or what?
They just didn't had the pace, no traction, car was tricky when accelerating out of corners, they couldn't get the hard tyre working....overall a weekend to forget and a reminder to Mclaren Honda how much there is still to go so they can be competitive
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


I hope they will find the true reasons behind such a terrible performance.

USA should be a good race where the car should perform well, if not they should start worrying about what is happening.

I dont believe a single word coming from Boullier.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


It's hard to know what to think with them at the moment.

One minute they seem to be progressing and then the next they are nowhere.

Dennis and Boullier both seem to talk the same tosh so I'm ignoring them. The only thing that matters is how fast they are 2017 now.

Hopefully the separate team working on the 2017 PU have nailed it and that the new aero opportunity that is presented to all designers is maximised by Prodromou at co.

A clear reminder of just how far there is to go though.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Did Mclaren even bother turning up to the race? I barely saw them on TV, its like they weren't there. I think I saw more of the Saubers
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


bauc wrote: They just didn't had the pace, no traction, car was tricky when accelerating out of corners, they couldn't get the hard tyre working....overall a weekend to forget and a reminder to Mclaren Honda how much there is still to go so they can be competitive
Thanks, so seems like they didn't find a suitable Setup the whole Weekend. That's a bit worrying since the Car should be relatively mature at this Point of the Season.

So i hope this was a one of, since the last few Races there was a clear upwards Trend. Very disssapointing though this result was on Honda Home Soil.
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