Jef Patat wrote:
Nice. I also not this quote on that site:
Remember: --- IN = --- OUT
Could you share with us an estimate of the error propagation on the numbers used? I.e. how far of will the result be depending on the errors of the numbers you put in?
Good question. However, first we have to ask what could be the magnitude of the error? This depends from the circuit but I will speak about Hungaroring
About CFA: as I said, I am using what other people accept for F1 car - about 1.3 m2. One thousand of this will give you less than 1 hp, one hundred will give about 5 hp, one tenth about 60 hp. However, because of the FIA regulations this is very hard to believe that there would be significant differences between the teams. I don't expect more than few hundreds. There is very interesting issue regarding MH - what is the impact of "size zero" concept on CFA? If they have managed to gain a tenth this will be a huge advantage. In this case the claiming for 120 hp difference could be real.
About CDA: this is the parameter with the greatest impact: one hundred gives about 7-8 hp. However, this a parameter that is specific to each circuit and all teams are trying to fit into very narrow range for any given circuit.
DTL: I think that we can accept this as almost a constant. In this case, if we are trying to estimate the difference, not the exact numbers, this will be not so important. However, values above 9% would require unrealistic ICE efficiency, values below 7% also seems unrealistic given the problems that all teams have with delivering the energy to the wheels.
I think that many people are saying that these values could be very random (throwing numbers), not reliable, but actually they have relatively narrow ranges of possible errors. At least, I think so.