bhallg2k wrote:WhiteBlue wrote:Just_a_fan wrote:I think they'll go for an "in-wash" design with horizontally extended endplate footplates on which will be placed a number of aero devices. ...I'm thinking that the wing will be something like this but in a more evolved and extreme form: ... ch1-lg.jpg
Could be a possible solution but the other possibility exists as well. We will know in the fullness of time and can revisit this thread to see who was right.
I think we'll find out looooooooooooooooong before the universe stops.
Fullness = state of being full = cannot contain more. Fullness of time = no additional time = "frozen" universe.
Like "robust," you've beaten the hell out of those words. I think what you meant to say here is, "
With the passage of time, we can revisit this thread to see just how wrong I was."
If you are going to be "brusque" with someone about their use of language, be sure you are correct when trying to correct them.
Oxford dictionaries wrote:
in the fullness of time
after a due length of time has elapsed; eventually
Similarly, all WhiteBlue said he did
not know, was exactly where all the limiting boxes are off the top of his head rather than your rude statement that he had admitted to not knowing what he was talking about. In addition to which, unlike WhiteBlue's posts, none of your posts so far on this topic have contained anything approaching aerodynamic reasonings for why you think one solution will prove the more effective; just pictures, a dead link and some ranting. One might even say they could be read as "because I said so".
So while you might be correct, so far in this thread it's WhiteBlue who has put forth the better case. I will now return to just reading because I do not know anything about aerodynamics. I know about baseless pedantry though.
[edit] Forgot about your last post on page 2. Apologies. Still, hardly conclusive evidence that 1) you are right and 2) you are any better educated in aerodynamics. Quite the contrary on the second point in fact.