With all due respect, you don't know that at all. No one is being told anything about this and the 100 billion twill disappear faster than you can say it. They will then find another 100 billion liability they didn't know about...........Miguel wrote:Both Santander and BBVA are, AFAIK, out of this loan.
Firstly, there is no such thing as a normal commercial bank. They're all at the same things and any regulators that there are stand by and drink the free champagne. Secondly, regardless of who gets mortgages from who there is this thing called the securities market where loans, mortgages and debts are packaged up together, sliced and diced and sold based on the blind faith that these debts will keep paying out. Laughably, this was supposed to reduce risk and exposure. In reality no one has any idea what on Earth is in them, who has bought them or who has been exposed. Credit Default Swaps are supposed to insure against this but it's quite clear that there is nothing there to back them up.The main reason being them acting as normal commecial banks, which means most people didn't get mortgages with them.
The penny still hasn't dropped that no one is safe. Everyone swore blind in 2008 that they weren't exposed to this stuff, but they were. Expect various 'crisis' summits over the next few months and yet more bailouts.