@ gfaTommy Cookers wrote:a year ago I would have said so, and did say so in some postg-force_addict wrote:Stalled wings ...... (flow separation) cause more drag.
however an F1 ('2 element' aka slotted flap) rear wing at its highest AoA imparts a 90deg velocity component to the ambient air
so producing the maximum possible lift coefficient from a wing of the maximum permitted dimensional 'box'
changing the in-slot condition causes seperation behind the flap and a large reduction in the imparted velocity component
both lift coefficient and drag coefficient are reduced
so in F1 such stalling causes less drag, not more drag
the definition of stalling angle is the AoA beyond which the lift coefficient falls
in aviation the drag coefficient (of an aerofoil) always increases with stall/seperation
but slotted flap behaviour beyond stalling is undefined
because flaps are not intended for or designed for stalling and its consequences regarding speed/dynamic pressure
in the quote you chose to construct you seem to be misrepresenting what I said (as above)
the shape of the F1 rear wing array shows from the 90 deg direction of attached flow that the work done on the air is maximal
so that when the slot condition that enables this is removed the resulting wake convergence shows less work done on the air
ie less drag
so if we stretch as far as describing the second case as stall (I don't think that is useful), then yes, this 'stalling' reduces drag
I don't think you can (as you seem to) read across from this slotted flap case anything relating to the (single element) data you show
the useful result of these responses to the OP is that horse has shown that if the 1968 rules on wings hadn't led us where they did
how wings (ie single element) of thick symmetrical aerofoil combined with suitable variation of incidence could have given
.... the result that you were looking for
though they would of course produce less DF than cambered aerofoil sections (as used in actual F1 etc wings)