"Gatecrasher"]The computer is still only a tool that takes inputs, garbage in - garbage out mantra holds true. When working on any engineering solution there are typically no more than 10 ways to "skin the cat". Knowing which are the best solutions is an instinctive call based on your previous experience, rarely does the computer stipulate the only way to solve the problem. Computer simulation is best utilized in helping direct, refine and improve.
Garbage in garbage out, exactly.
So how does a computer specialist gain experience? From failure or history?
I have limited experience with military projects, from what I have seen they were typically late, over budget and over engineered due to bureaucracy rather than poor skills. In commercial projects there is always a customer that has multiple options to buy from, that drives innovation, schedule and cost control.
Today military budgets are IMO at a terrible level of over cost over time and inefficiency.
Those who decide on procurement are in almost every case technically deficient.
I totally agree with you on the grass roots training. The real issue is that there is no easy way for universities to try to teach these skills. University only gives people a piece of paper that lets them have the opportunity for a specific job interview. As an employer the type of degree, GPA and where it was achieved give you a little insight as to whether the person is teachable or self guided. The grass roots training has to happen in the workforce.
Competition is the historical area for grass roots training and the promotion of innovation.
Motor sport now gives little as it is mostly spec formula and the military, or at least military aviation AFAIK stopped any worthwhile competition at a technical level in the 1930s and to a lesser degree after the quest to beat the sound barrier.
Without increased technical competition all these areas will remain years behind the potential out there.
Military aviation is nearly 50 years behind as it is.
Stealth and electronics can be fitted to a brick toilet if you give it enough thrust.