how to to make F1 more exciting by radical technical changes

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Joined: 18 Sep 2014, 18:08

Re: how to to make F1 more exciting by radical technical changes


bret191 wrote:Just my 2 cents and some ideas.

Start with, NO in cockpit adjustable electric or manual engine, transmission, suspension. Brake bias and fuel ratio only!
Open up the engine rules to any mass produced STOCK BLOCK within the last 15 years. Block has to of been in any car that was mass produced and available to the public as a standard engine, in at least two models this will keep the manufacturers from using a one off special edition engine. No Block mods but blue printing. = This will open up innovation and competition within the teams to get the most H.P. Per gallon of fuel to weight to reliability!
The use of any induction turbo, supercharger, calibrator or injected. No oxygenated enhancers “squeeze” They can innovate any exotic induction and exhaust, any rotating ass. Any type of piston. Ias long as it meets a minimum weight for the piston and rod to keep from pistons or rods from costing $10,000 -$20,000 each.
Public available fuel”gasoline or diesel” Only
2-4 wheel drive, 4 wheels total. 18”tire width rear-14” front tires.
One ECU ONLY the management of trans and engine only. No remote adjust-ability of ECU other than in the PIT.
Flat floors only, no tunnels. ONE standard bolt on floor cover for every car.= That will help stop the type of crashes in high speed turns and leave every car with a standard platform to start with.
Limit wing area to f and r to only 10S.F. Per car, front wing three tier only, rear, four tier only. Side panels on wings 8S.F.rear and 2S.F. Front. Flat only NO holes other than for mounting of wings only, no generators.
4S.F. Of ONE bonus wing per side anywhere on chassis between front and rear wing above floor by 10 CM. And not to extend above engine cowling.
Driver cell is to have at least ½ meter of crush structure on all sides of driver! Cell is also standard width and length interior to aid in extractions!
Open up tires to any manufacturer as long as they can supply all teams and they can pass the 250 MPH safety standard. Tires also have to be available to any one in other series or street! Tires are to be no more than “with in 10%”a competitive price compared to similar tires. No price gouging! It wouldn't happen but If teams can run one set start to finish so be it!
Give incentives to the slower teams to get better! Extra test days and wind tunnel time!
Slash wind tunnel time down by ½ -3/4 during season! Save millions per season and open up ingenuity and innovation as teams will use time more intelligently!

Of course all of these rules would have to be refined in a comity setting to make sure theyare fair and capable of accomplishing said agenda= save money, tighten up lap times to all, make the driver talent more important instead of money/resources, open up the teams to innovate new technologies and ideas/processes that will lead to REAL world applications! Give the car manufactures incentives to build engines that are capable of high/reliable HP to weight/fuel savings!
Many good ideas here.

I love having a single performance rule for engines: You get X amount of spec E85 fuel / race. Do with it what you want and make the amount a true constraint for each race. If you waste your fuel passing and don't have enough left to win, that is exciting to teams manage their constraints.

I'd rather have more of "spec aero" than a spec engine. Civilization needs to reap a benefit from having the best and brightest engineers compete in a technological showdown. Having millions spent and wasted on minor aero that has zero application towards society makes no sense. I also agree that downforce needs to be generated from the floor, not from wings. Teams can choose if they want to spend their precious fuel generating downforce via fan or not. I don't like flat floors at all though. They are way too dangerous in slides.

Adaptive suspension, traction control, etc needs to come back. F1 is trending too much towards Nascar in its "grasp to the past". You have to allow and develop new technologies. That IS F1. Last place teams are allowed more development + windtunnel time to catch up. IE track time. First place teams get none.

Front wings need to change to reduce costs. They wreck these $20K? masterpieces so often, it makes no sense. Allow 90deg front fender coverage of the wheels to stop this.