Hankmoody wrote:
No need to search TDS as low friction particles or ceramics are non harmful substances so no need to put those to TDS or MSDS. Also note that if it is product that "does not excist" there are no data sheets made for it.
F1 paints are not guarded by the rule book I assume.
I'm not sure were you live or what chemical company you work for, but the last time I looked you still had to produce a MSDS sheet for every type of paint or coating, you manufactured, , That dose not mean the people using the paint have to have the msds sheet, but the company making the products still has to have one for it.
You mentioned low friction particles or ceramics, the raw material used in some coatings may not need a MSDS, (like water).
But the overall product that it's used in will need one, even some clay based ceramics used in table ware will contain things like silica or kaolinite. No amount of winking and nudging will work with the gov't agencies, you have to produce the facts
A technical data sheet has nothing to do with whether or not a paint or coating is harmful, that's not all it's indented for.
It's for information on Product description, it's physical properties, performance qualities, application guidelines, and lastly the products hazard safety information, if it's not hazards then nothing is written, and if it is, then there some info on it and/or it will say to read the MSDS sheet.
Again the consumer doesn't always need the TDS, but the manufacturer does.
You can get a TDS for 3M's "
General purpose masking tape" nothing harmful about using that product, 3M still has it
http://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/3090 ... g-tape.pdf
I have not doubt that vortexrulez and flynfrog can get a hold of both a TDS and MSDS from their suppliers for every product they buy from them, if they ask.
As for your products that "don't excist". My families company made coatings for the canadian gov't, including the military
that were not for sale to any one else. You still had to make a TDS along with a MSDS for those products as well