Shut up and drive!

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Re: Shut up and drive!


AR3-GP wrote:
23 Dec 2022, 20:33
Tiny73 wrote:
23 Dec 2022, 18:17
So what you’re saying is that F1 drivers who have a platform and a following, who kids look up to, who people admire or aspire to be, should just shut up about injustice? I’m no social justice warrior by any stretch of the imagination but what you’re advocating, or supporting at least, is corporate censorship to benefit no one but the paymasters of F1.

It’s the thin end of the wedge when those who have a voice that can reach far further than us mere individuals are told to stay quiet for the good of the show.

Look up Martin Niemoller’s poem and see if it still holds true today.
For what it's worth, I generally think that Vettel and Hamilton are well meaning people, even if their actions are not always perfect. But I think you have to be fairer. These F1 drivers have a massive platform that exist outside of an FIA branded GP weekend. Look at the number of social media followers of Hamilton and to a lesser extent Vettel. They have a huge audience that they can reach. There is no god given right for them to use the FIA's brand and image, during a race weekend, to promote their own interest. They have to follow the rules.

Lewis Hamilton or Sebastian Vettel can organize media conferences, post on social media, and get themselves on basically ANY television network to say whatever they like in their free time using their own platforms. They are multimillionaires and can afford it.

All the FIA request is that drivers seek permission before using the FIA's brands to promote their own interest. This can be financially damaging for the FIA and F1. That is very fair.
I wouldn’t disagree with a lot of what you’ve said there except to point out that they wouldn’t have the platform without their status as a racing driver and thus, by association, the FIA. The GP weekend affords them a platform greater than that of their own and people tune in to see any number of things, the cars, the drivers, the racing, the sky TV presenters (😂). Would the drivers have the platform without the FIA? No. Would the FIA have the visibility without (certain) drivers? No.

So it’s a bit of a catch 22 but I can’t help but feel (as someone further up pointed out) that censoring the drivers will only blow back on the FIA and further highlight the issues the drivers are using their platform to highlight as wrong/unfair/scandalous/naughty. It just feels like the proverbial sledgehammer to crack a nut.

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Re: Shut up and drive!


If my employer or whoever tells me I can't wear my rainbow Apple Watch band... especially if they state it's a political statement, they would not only be my ex-employer but also have a lawsuit on their hands.

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Re: Shut up and drive!


sorry gone way off topic, please delete
When arguing with a fool, be sure the other person is not doing the same thing.

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Re: Shut up and drive!


Jolle wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 00:23
If my employer or whoever tells me I can't wear my rainbow Apple Watch band... especially if they state it's a political statement, they would not only be my ex-employer but also have a lawsuit on their hands.
If you sign an employment contract that requires you to shun your position on politics and activism and outlaws wearing any symbols of activism, then I am afraid your lawsuit would go in vain. Unfortunate, but true.

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Re: Shut up and drive!


Tiny73 wrote:
23 Dec 2022, 18:17
So what you’re saying is that F1 drivers who have a platform and a following, who kids look up to, who people admire or aspire to be, should just shut up about injustice? I’m no social justice warrior by any stretch of the imagination but what you’re advocating, or supporting at least, is corporate censorship to benefit no one but the paymasters of F1.

It’s the thin end of the wedge when those who have a voice that can reach far further than us mere individuals are told to stay quiet for the good of the show.

Look up Martin Niemoller’s poem and see if it still holds true today.
Nope, not to benefit the paymasters, but viewers and the sport itself. If they start defending injustice, then each GP will be a protest about CC (huge supporter here), slavery, political corruption, wars (not only Ukraine, there are a lot of dreadful wars), lack of human rights at half the planet...

Wouldn´t F1 look hypocritical then? Millionaires spending vast amounts of money on a sport wich is not necessary at all, while millions people suffer injustice all around the world?

I don´t think they´re the most apporpiate people to claim about injustice, they´re into the 0.0001% of people more fortunate in the planet, if they want to fight injustice, they could share 90% of their salaries, still earn much more than 99% of people, and fight injustice instead of telling people they should fight injustice :roll:

Joined: 05 Dec 2016, 23:48

Re: Shut up and drive!


You’re right of course. They should just shut up and accept their millions. Screw the little guy, he can fight his own battles 🙄

They might be hypocritical by earning millions but if they weren’t earning those millions they’d be the guy(s) without a voice.

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Re: Shut up and drive!


People have opinions

They can share them if they wish. Some will agree, some won't.

Twas ever thus

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Re: Shut up and drive!


jordanb wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 05:50
Jolle wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 00:23
If my employer or whoever tells me I can't wear my rainbow Apple Watch band... especially if they state it's a political statement, they would not only be my ex-employer but also have a lawsuit on their hands.
If you sign an employment contract that requires you to shun your position on politics and activism and outlaws wearing any symbols of activism, then I am afraid your lawsuit would go in vain. Unfortunate, but true.
Don't know where you're from, but here in European Union, something like that doesn't hold up in court (or society).

And the FIA and teams are all based in the EU (apart from Sauber).

Joined: 05 Dec 2016, 23:48

Re: Shut up and drive!


Jolle wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 16:23
jordanb wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 05:50
Jolle wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 00:23
If my employer or whoever tells me I can't wear my rainbow Apple Watch band... especially if they state it's a political statement, they would not only be my ex-employer but also have a lawsuit on their hands.
If you sign an employment contract that requires you to shun your position on politics and activism and outlaws wearing any symbols of activism, then I am afraid your lawsuit would go in vain. Unfortunate, but true.
Don't know where you're from, but here in European Union, something like that doesn't hold up in court (or society).

And the FIA and teams are all based in the EU (apart from Sauber).
I used to work for a German company, in a very specific market sector where the specialism is very highly demanded and very scarce. A colleague was poached by a rival, albeit smaller and not really a competitor, but in the same sector. He’d signed a contract agreeing that he would not ply his trade at a competitor company. My old company took him to court, and won, on the basis that what he’d signed was valid and he wasn’t under duress when he signed etc. This was 5 years ago.

(My old company eventually let him leave as he effectively went on strike but his contract was deemed valid and relevant).

Joined: 29 Jan 2014, 22:58
Location: Dordrecht

Re: Shut up and drive!


Tiny73 wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 16:41
Jolle wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 16:23
jordanb wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 05:50
If you sign an employment contract that requires you to shun your position on politics and activism and outlaws wearing any symbols of activism, then I am afraid your lawsuit would go in vain. Unfortunate, but true.
Don't know where you're from, but here in European Union, something like that doesn't hold up in court (or society).

And the FIA and teams are all based in the EU (apart from Sauber).
I used to work for a German company, in a very specific market sector where the specialism is very highly demanded and very scarce. A colleague was poached by a rival, albeit smaller and not really a competitor, but in the same sector. He’d signed a contract agreeing that he would not ply his trade at a competitor company. My old company took him to court, and won, on the basis that what he’d signed was valid and he wasn’t under duress when he signed etc. This was 5 years ago.

(My old company eventually let him leave as he effectively went on strike but his contract was deemed valid and relevant).
That is rare (there are many cases where a competition bid doesn't hold up) and has nothing to do with wearing a rainbow something.

Joined: 08 Apr 2014, 22:47

Re: Shut up and drive!


Jolle wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 16:23
jordanb wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 05:50
Jolle wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 00:23
If my employer or whoever tells me I can't wear my rainbow Apple Watch band... especially if they state it's a political statement, they would not only be my ex-employer but also have a lawsuit on their hands.
If you sign an employment contract that requires you to shun your position on politics and activism and outlaws wearing any symbols of activism, then I am afraid your lawsuit would go in vain. Unfortunate, but true.
Don't know where you're from, but here in European Union, something like that doesn't hold up in court (or society).

And the FIA and teams are all based in the EU (apart from Sauber).
It varies per country, but as I understand companies are free to impose dress codes in Europe. I think generally the line is drawn at clothing that is (gender) discriminatory or in conflict with religious considerations, not political or other activism.

It is also not that black and white. You can wear your rainbow wristband or an other statement to the office, without problems. But when it comes to visiting a traditional customer who appreciates decorum, you may not be surprised that you won’t end up on the delegation shortlist.

I have never been at a company that did not put expectations on my appearance. Sometimes written out sometimes just relayed verbally. And I understand, the risk of someone going rogue at a client can have big consequences, you want to make sure that the people that represent the company have only the company interest in mind.

Joined: 29 Nov 2022, 05:37

Re: Shut up and drive!


Jolle wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 16:23
jordanb wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 05:50
Jolle wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 00:23
If my employer or whoever tells me I can't wear my rainbow Apple Watch band... especially if they state it's a political statement, they would not only be my ex-employer but also have a lawsuit on their hands.
If you sign an employment contract that requires you to shun your position on politics and activism and outlaws wearing any symbols of activism, then I am afraid your lawsuit would go in vain. Unfortunate, but true.
Don't know where you're from, but here in European Union, something like that doesn't hold up in court (or society).

And the FIA and teams are all based in the EU (apart from Sauber). ... 465168c6f8
EU Court: The employer can prevent employees from wearing political, philosophical or religious symbols if needed

The Court of Justice of the European Union looked at the delicate issue of using religious symbols in the workplace under a ruling published on 15 July 2021, in Joined Cases C-804/18 and C-341/19. According to the Court, the prohibition of wearing any visible form of expression of political, philosophical or religious beliefs in the workplace can be justified by the employer’s need “to appear neutral before customers or prevent social conflicts.”

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Re: Shut up and drive!


proteus wrote:
21 Dec 2022, 22:54
TimW wrote:
21 Dec 2022, 21:20
I wonder if the EU will have anything to say about an organisation limiting the freedom of speech. If F1 were a social network there would already be an investigation.
We have freedom of speech in Europe? What kind? As far as i know any critical thinking, which differs from woke agenda that we are being forced to accept in the last decade is prohibited. And i do really mean only about critical thinking without any actual hate speech or any kind of hate at all, just stating facts why some things aint working - which are making these people offended and those which are doubting them punished.

So my short answer to the name of this topic would be yes: Shut up and drive, and do your political/charity work outside of the track in your own free time.

Am i the only one who is getting tired of these fake good causes that celebrities are performing?
For example:
Everybody is so green these days, with jets, 10 cars in the garage, 5 homes in different continents, using tons of fuel travelling and sailing on their jachts??? In my whole life i wont make as much mess as one of these celebrities are producing in a year or two. And another piece of advice for all of them: If they have lets say 400 million dollars of assets/money, spend 390 first for charity/enviroment and then beg for money from common folks who earn their money much slower and harder. 10mil is more than enough to live a great life till the end. I am just not so naive anymore and tired of this PR fakeness.
Couldn't have said it better myself, and concurred on all counts. It is good to see for a change, at least some people with their heads screwed on right. It's getting rarer these days, even on the internet. People fear online lynching through defamation, and rightfully so.

And as for the subject itself. Humanity pays lip service to peace. As is the case with 'protecting the environment'.
Education is that which allows a nation free, independent, reputable life, and function as a high society; or it condemns it to captivity and poverty.

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Re: Shut up and drive!


Tiny73 wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 14:33
You’re right of course. They should just shut up and accept their millions. Screw the little guy, he can fight his own battles 🙄

They might be hypocritical by earning millions but if they weren’t earning those millions they’d be the guy(s) without a voice.
The FIA is not policing what they do in their free time.
A lion must kill its prey.

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Re: Shut up and drive!


Tiny73 wrote:
24 Dec 2022, 14:33
You’re right of course. They should just shut up and accept their millions. Screw the little guy, he can fight his own battles 🙄

They might be hypocritical by earning millions but if they weren’t earning those millions they’d be the guy(s) without a voice.
Wait... they´re not accepting their millions now?. Or the little guy is not fighting his own battles? :roll:

THAT is the problem, a claim by a millionaire who doesn´t even know how unfair is what he´s protesting about, solves nothing, looks hypocritical, and comes from someone who could actually do something real with his millions, sponsors and followers, instead of simply wearing a t-shirt in front of a camera. That only solves his daily upvotes on some social net #-o