feynman wrote:Bodywork in that area has to be a closed curved surface within a proscribed minimum radius of 75mm.
Mesh holes with a 1 or 2mm radius would be in violation of the bodywork regs, no?
Although I wonder if you could so some sort of topological trick like the gill-slit from last year, and lead a slit from the exhaust all the way into a comb pattern on a panel.
They already dump a lot of heat/air out the big hole at the back of the car, not sure what the gain/purpose would be here.
Awaits better photography ... (is it my imagination or has this year been the absolute worst ever for decent, useful, clear pictures of cars?)
Just an idea off the top of my bonce, but what if they used a layup method which was heat dependant, such that when it's nice and cool it's closed, but if it's roasting hot at 600 degrees or so, it begins to open it's weave? Sure this would make is significantly less "porous" and indeed strong, but I imagine it'd be worth it.
If they could shed truckloads of hot air through that, they wouldn't need the massive cooling hole at the back. Perhaps they were testing the newer bigger hole at the back as a contingiency in case it's too risky?
Edit Typo
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