FoxHound wrote:Lift could equate to "slow down", and this could be a precursor to "be prepared to stop".
No mention on actual speed, or anything to do with sector times.
There's a fine line. You are awfully close to saying "He braked for the corner, so that means he slowed down." Also, Marshalls being 'Tardy' with flags has absolutely no relevance at all.
"Why did you plow into those marshalls when the yellow flags were clearly visible?"
"I thought the marshalls were just being tardy bringing in the flags so I floored it through the apex. Turned out they knew more about what they were doing and what the situation was than I did, which is totally unforeseeable."
Personally, I think it was borderline but I'd want to see the telemetry and flag timings to be sure. To slow down and yet set the fastest time is definitely doable (dependent on how long the yellow flags were out for). Considering how much faster everyone else was going in the first sector it suggests there was a lot of time on the table so it's more than possible than Nico was deliberately slower than his previous attempt through the area marked by the yellow flags and then took a double-handful of that time on offer over the rest of the lap. That his first sector was also very slow may mean that he had better rubber for S2 and S3 too.