Christian Horner under Investigation

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


Shakeman wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 14:35
According to the gutter MSM CH was 'interrogated' or 'grilled' for 8 hours. People we aren't supposed to like are usually interrogated and grilled while people we are supposed to like are merely questioned.

CH was questioned by the independent investigator or CH discussed with the independent investigator accusations etc etc have a completely different different ring and they're probably more accurate terms.

It is extremely important to take notice of the language the media uses because this is how they ensure the 'right' opinion is being formed in the audience.

It's not just Sky Sports and the Guardian that are absolute trash, they ALL are. If people really want to understand the role of mass media they should read Herman and Chomsky's - Manufacturing Consent. You'll never look at the world the same way, it is the red pill in book form.
I agree with you completely. The media nowadays is absolute scum. Imo he is innocent.

However i think Horner is beeing publicly destroyed because somebody wants him gone. And its going to disrupt the whole team. When heads start rolling and new people come and they want to asses their authority it becomes turbulent and the stability is gone...

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


Shakeman wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 14:35
According to the gutter MSM CH was 'interrogated' or 'grilled' for 8 hours. People we aren't supposed to like are usually interrogated and grilled while people we are supposed to like are merely questioned.

CH was questioned by the independent investigator or CH discussed with the independent investigator accusations etc etc have a completely different different ring and they're probably more accurate terms.

It is extremely important to take notice of the language the media uses because this is how they ensure the 'right' opinion is being formed in the audience.

It's not just Sky Sports and the Guardian that are absolute trash, they ALL are. If people really want to understand the role of mass media they should read Herman and Chomsky's - Manufacturing Consent. You'll never look at the world the same way, it is the red pill in book form.
Technically, the issue isnt the media, its that people INSIDE Red Bull appear to want Horner gone. The media is just there reporting it. Not their fault Red Bull appears to be imploding. Maybe they shouldn't have made it public, no?

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


zeroday wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 15:52
Shakeman wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 14:35
According to the gutter MSM CH was 'interrogated' or 'grilled' for 8 hours. People we aren't supposed to like are usually interrogated and grilled while people we are supposed to like are merely questioned.

CH was questioned by the independent investigator or CH discussed with the independent investigator accusations etc etc have a completely different different ring and they're probably more accurate terms.

It is extremely important to take notice of the language the media uses because this is how they ensure the 'right' opinion is being formed in the audience.

It's not just Sky Sports and the Guardian that are absolute trash, they ALL are. If people really want to understand the role of mass media they should read Herman and Chomsky's - Manufacturing Consent. You'll never look at the world the same way, it is the red pill in book form.
Technically, the issue isnt the media, its that people INSIDE Red Bull appear to want Horner gone. The media is just there reporting it. Not their fault Red Bull appears to be imploding. Maybe they shouldn't have made it public, no?
You shouldn't read his post in the light of this incident alone. Anyone that is biased against Red Bull racing or Christian Horner would love this public trial of rumors. But Shakeman is right about media in general and at large, whether it's media in sports, politics or entertainment. They are there to do the p**p job that somebody wants, who doesn't want to be seen, but would be the biggest beneficiary. It doesn't matter what the truth is, but their job is to manufacture a truth for audience.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


To hopefully lighten up the mood in here, here is a hilarious fake video on the accuser of Horner:

"I have an exclusive testimony from Christian Horner's accuser, Sky Sports and the BBC refused to air this because they are red bull mouthpieces. I however am an independent journalist / aspiring freelance bodyguard. let the truth be heard by this brave woman.
Last edited by zeroday on 10 Feb 2024, 17:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


Cs98 wrote:
09 Feb 2024, 23:18
Got my hands on the transcript from today's interrogation.

Interrogator: Horner, did you order the Code Red?!
Horner's lawyer: You don't have to answer that question!
Horner: I'll answer the question. You want answers?
Interrogator: I think I'm entitled to them.
Horner: You want answers?!
Interrogator: I want the truth!
Horner: You can't handle the truth!


Interrogator: Did you order the Code Red?
Horner: I did the job --
Interrogator: -- Did you order the Code Red?!

Hey, man!
That was a damn good movie!!!
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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


Red Bull clearly don't have any evidence or else they would have already been able to kick Horner to the kerb. If it was a criminal matter then the female employee should have gone to the police but she hasn't. If there is no evidence Red Bull need to shut this down and put the employee on gardening leave and fire her at a latter date when things have quietened down instead of highly and publicly investigating a dead end against the guy who is responsible for putting all of Red Bull F1's success in place.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


The other thing is that there is so little real information about this supposed incident but a lot of scuttlebutt and hearsay about what is supposedly happening. I really have no idea if this is an internal struggle for power or is it outside interference to try and make Red Bull unstable. Some of these news sources are highly untrustworthy and so I don't trust anything that I am hearing until we hear something from Red Bull.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


They presumably have evidence, it has been stated.

External investigators are going through this and examining it under question with the parties involved. Interview lasted 8 hours.

We don’t know how serious it is.

We don’t know if it is legitimate or not.

As to your last statement, fire her, that is why powerful people are able to get away with abuse and people are scared to raise incidents, I’m not a snowflake but I don’t like victim blaming.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


carisi2k wrote:The other thing is that there is so little real information about this supposed incident but a lot of scuttlebutt and hearsay about what is supposedly happening. I really have no idea if this is an internal struggle for power or is it outside interference to try and make Red Bull unstable. Some of these news sources are highly untrustworthy and so I don't trust anything that I am hearing until we hear something from Red Bull.
You are thinking as a fan rather than as a company director. Nobody owes you any information and you have no knowledge of internal company processes or why they work a certain way.

Speculation is only going to hurt you. After all that has happened so far, the chances things will go back to normal, regardless of anything, are slim.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


f1jcw wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 22:14
They presumably have evidence, it has been stated.

External investigators are going through this and examining it under question with the parties involved. Interview lasted 8 hours.

We don’t know how serious it is.

We don’t know if it is legitimate or not.

As to your last statement, fire her, that is why powerful people are able to get away with abuse and people are scared to raise incidents, I’m not a snowflake but I don’t like victim blaming.
You have no idea if the interview lasted 8 hours, or 20 minutes. That was just a report, it's not confirmed in any way shape or form.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


Rikhart wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 23:57
f1jcw wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 22:14
They presumably have evidence, it has been stated.

External investigators are going through this and examining it under question with the parties involved. Interview lasted 8 hours.

We don’t know how serious it is.

We don’t know if it is legitimate or not.

As to your last statement, fire her, that is why powerful people are able to get away with abuse and people are scared to raise incidents, I’m not a snowflake but I don’t like victim blaming.
You have no idea if the interview lasted 8 hours, or 20 minutes. That was just a report, it's not confirmed in any way shape or form.
Exactly!! According to Sky, Horner was inside for 8 hours and they didn't even know the place, a secret location they said! :lol:
The conversation with the lawyer may have lasted half an hour or twice an hour or ....... Everything is possible.
They will also have had lunch/dinner. Sky turns it into a fun/exciting story that creates even more speculation!

Moreover, the top boss of RB GmbH did not tell van Haren that they have proof of anything, only that they have started an investigation! The media made that up themselves.
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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


Rikhart wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 23:57
f1jcw wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 22:14
They presumably have evidence, it has been stated.

External investigators are going through this and examining it under question with the parties involved. Interview lasted 8 hours.

We don’t know how serious it is.

We don’t know if it is legitimate or not.

As to your last statement, fire her, that is why powerful people are able to get away with abuse and people are scared to raise incidents, I’m not a snowflake but I don’t like victim blaming.
You have no idea if the interview lasted 8 hours, or 20 minutes. That was just a report, it's not confirmed in any way shape or form.
So, believe nothing, why are you even sure there is a meeting then if you believe nothing that is written by reputable media sources. They reported a 8 hour meeting, without evidence otherwise I think it is allowable to state that.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


zeroday wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 15:52
Shakeman wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 14:35
According to the gutter MSM CH was 'interrogated' or 'grilled' for 8 hours. People we aren't supposed to like are usually interrogated and grilled while people we are supposed to like are merely questioned.

CH was questioned by the independent investigator or CH discussed with the independent investigator accusations etc etc have a completely different different ring and they're probably more accurate terms.

It is extremely important to take notice of the language the media uses because this is how they ensure the 'right' opinion is being formed in the audience.

It's not just Sky Sports and the Guardian that are absolute trash, they ALL are. If people really want to understand the role of mass media they should read Herman and Chomsky's - Manufacturing Consent. You'll never look at the world the same way, it is the red pill in book form.
Technically, the issue isnt the media, its that people INSIDE Red Bull appear to want Horner gone. The media is just there reporting it. Not their fault Red Bull appears to be imploding. Maybe they shouldn't have made it public, no?
Even if Redbull leak it, the media should investigate or confirm the material given and not come to conclusions before hand. Yes the media these days are scam as they judge even before proof and then when wrong, and there are plenty examples of it, they don't appologise or correct their articles. They move on. Today media is feed on bite headlines full of opinion pieces not journalism. That's why many are closing or doomed.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


torpor wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 14:48
The book you recommend serves merely as fodder for conspiracy theorists.
Tell me you haven't read the book without saying you haven't read the book.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


f1jcw wrote:
11 Feb 2024, 00:10
Rikhart wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 23:57
f1jcw wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 22:14
They presumably have evidence, it has been stated.

External investigators are going through this and examining it under question with the parties involved. Interview lasted 8 hours.

We don’t know how serious it is.

We don’t know if it is legitimate or not.

As to your last statement, fire her, that is why powerful people are able to get away with abuse and people are scared to raise incidents, I’m not a snowflake but I don’t like victim blaming.
You have no idea if the interview lasted 8 hours, or 20 minutes. That was just a report, it's not confirmed in any way shape or form.
So, believe nothing, why are you even sure there is a meeting then if you believe nothing that is written by reputable media sources. They reported a 8 hour meeting, without evidence otherwise I think it is allowable to state that.
I think we should all just believe RB Press Releases. We don't need to know more than that. When the investigation is complete there will no doubt be another press release which will say whether CH is going or staying. Until then I'd suggest reading the output of the F1 press and Youtubesters for purely entertainment and not facts.

It'll be interesting to see if CH is at the car launch however it should not be seen as indicative of how the investigation is going if he's not there. RB may prefer CH to duck the car launch to keep the spotlight on the car launch and sponsors not the off-track activities and avoid awkward questions which he obviously cannot answer while the investigation is live.