Regardless of the what people's interpretation of the rules are, you really just need to look at this picture from Rosberg's onboard camera taken just before the contact and consider what Rosberg is trying to achieve.
The thing to notice is that Rosberg is extremely close to Hamilton here and he is turning towards him. There are only 2 things Rosberg can be trying to do here. He's either trying to hit Hamilton or he's trying to slot in behind him. I'm not cynical enough to believe the former and there's no grounds to debate the matter so let's go with the less damning 'trying to slot in behind him'.
It's also important to note that Rosberg by this point has already turned away from Hamilton once after turning too strongly into the first corner, losing what was left of his momentum. He's trying to slot in behind him as he has already given up the corner, it is absolutely his responsibility to make sure he doesn't hit the car infront whilst doing that. As you can see there is plenty of room to the left, enough to back out properly and slot in behind safely. He failed to do that.
As far as incidents go it's not a bad one and Rosberg certainly doesn't deserve the vilification he has and will continue to receive for it, if Hamilton didn't get a puncture noone would've cared less, but to claim it was anything other than Rosberg's fault is absurd.