Considering the nature of the fight Williams are having with Force India - literally every point counts - I found it interesting they allowed Bottas to pass Massa.
While Massa was in front of Bottas, Bottas received the tow of Massa, safely evading Raikkonen. Bottas himself provided a buffer from Raikkonen for Massa. Literally the lap after Bottas passed Massa, Massa was a sitting duck for Raikkonen as he had no tow from Bottas.
Keeping the drivers in their original positions would have given the team an opportunity to score 6 points instead of 5, as Raikkonen had sat behind Bottas for 7 laps with no evidence suggesting he could pass if both cars had DRS.
At the very least, I am surprised Williams didn't instruct Bottas to remain within DRS range of Massa.
Also, will Bottas score more points than his race number this year?