Team: Pat Fry (TD), Nikolas Tombazis (CD), Stefano Domenicali (MD), Simone Resta (DTD), Corrado Lanzone (Head of production) Drivers: Fernando Alonso (3), Felipe Massa (4)
A place to discuss the characteristics of the cars in Formula One, both current as well as historical. Laptimes, driver worshipping and team chatter do not belong here.
heho07 wrote:Can anyone answer my questions:
1-Why and how air inside red rectangular goes outside as i show them with red arrows.
2-How circle like shape appear on the floor?is it where exhaust gas hit the floor?
3-Why blue arrows start from red rectangular?
Sorry for my bad English.
To me it is very interesting the more marked oil line near the blue arrow on the right. Its bow shape seems to suggest that there is a big stagnation just downstream - the stagnation induced by the presence of the exhaust stream tube I suppose.
It is like seeing the virtual walls of an invisible redbull tunnel in action
hairy_scotsman wrote:Sorry if this has already been posted, but did anyone else notice a big inlet under the F138's nose when Pedro was driving?
Very good spotting Hairy, You can clearly see a VHS tape width hole about 30mm high. Could possibly be feeding a future DDRS device...or a new cooling inlet?
If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari.
Seems like something they've added to the underside of the chassis. The black part seems thicker. See the distance between the white stripe and the bottom.
I don't think that they would add such a huge opening in such a sensitive area if not to increase performance. I would say it's not just for cooling
Cooling would be the safest bet. It's hard to imagine anything elese
It's been a long time since we drove last time, but it has also been a short time at the same time
Roam Grosjean ponders the passing of time on the first day of testing at Jerez February 5, 2013
It doesn't look like a short-term solution to me, but it seems odd to go to such lengths to increase the volume of air under the nose only to harvest a good portion of it for driver cooling while risking flow separation in a critical area. Don't get me wrong, a cooked driver is just as problematic an issue as a cooked gearbox. The RB8 letterbox on top of the nose helped cool drivers while making the effective frontal cross section somewhat smaller compared to the higher F138 nose.
i don't think it is for cooling (letterbox on RB8 wasn't for cooling either I think), I think it is for routing a high amount of air through the cockpit for aero purpose. (Lotus had also a huge hole under the nose in 2012 to feed air into the bulkhead).
There has to be a large opening in the Ferrari bulkhead, so I guess it was very well planned to have this kind of gaping duct under the nose.
(maybe it is only for KERS cooling but I don' think so)
Finishing races is important, but racing is more important.