I think you'll need to be more specific there strad. "Work of art" is still a subjective judgment and differs from person to person. I know a person who loves watches for the movement - and watching an intricate watch oscillator and movement is heaven to him. He can listen to a watch running and tell you what kind of movement is inside. That to him is a work of art.
To those who go for aesthetics - those to them are works of art.
You'll have to define what a "work of art" is to you here
I personally fall more into falling for a watch's looks, but at the same time, without a good movement - the watch is also rubbish. Mind you - even aesthetics is subjective. I know I got my dad a Nautilus for his birthday, but I can't for the life of me understand what people see in it.
I'm quite sure I don't have as many as Morteza's though!