o.k. coming back to the FlowViz interpretation and the effect of the Fences/Slotgap separators a bit, here an related aviation phenomena.
The slotgap separators are similar to what is call "flap tracks" on an aircraft wing.
this may ties in nicely with the McL photo I posted earlier, and I hope sheds some light on some of the patterns seen before.
as a side note:
you see that the AoA is referenced as 4°, even so that the flap angle is actually 35° in this test.
Something Brian should keep in mind. I'm note saying, that he said something wrong, just pointing out that using the term alpha for AoA, while talking about highly cambered wings / or wing-flap combinations (as found in high lift applications) can be misleading at times.
As alpha usually refers to the attitude angle (pitch angle) of the aircraft and not necessarily to the angle of the flow around the wing.
Especially in configurations, which may include variable camber, or as in this example changes in leading edge shape/angle.
At other times, when seeing wings in isolation, the meaning is/can be different.