Hi guys, back again for another update. At least I'm managing to be somewhat consistent in these weird and unusual times. Been going at this for a year now, only realised that as it would have been Senna's 60th this weekend, and I started this blog on his birthday last year. How time flies eh... probably the only photos of a disassembled F1 car we'll be getting anytime soon as well haha.
Anyway this series of updates will be covering issue 15, which is predominately the assembly of the engine and a few ancillaries.
First up, stage 50 - Assembly of the engine 2. Parts supplied with this issue were: Left & right manifold intake base (top row), left & right cam cover base (middle row) and left & right upper engine block (bottom row).
Parts required from previous stages were:
- Plug caps & engine block assembly (stage 7), there's photos of these coming up later in the post to jog your memory.
Firstly 50.1-50.2, mounting the manifold bases. Now immediately this was frustrating as it involved disassembling the engine block. The reason that this was so annoying was that a) it was pointless to assemble it in the first place, and yet another example of the issues just being prolonged for the sake of it. b) when I assembled it the first time it was very difficult to get the screws in and they ended up getting chewed and therefore difficult to unscrew, and re-screw. I'll come back to this later.
Next up the cam cover bases were glued to the engine block, as straight forward as it sounds. Pictured below with one side done for comparison.
Following this the manifold bases were glued onto this sub assembly.
This was repeated for the right hand side:
Next up 50.3 the upper engine block (L & R) were screwed to the engine block.
Again, this was straight forward enough. Care was taken to get the right holes aligned, the screws on the left hand side went in perpendicularly, but the right hand side went in at a slight angle (this was by design by the way according to the instructions).
Following this the engine front and rear were both screwed back onto the engine block sub assembly. A nut was also added to to the assembly for the engine block front. I think this is to attach it to the monocoque assembly at a later stage.
And then the front and rear portions were screwed back on. Now here, I've taken the liberty of showing you how badly damaged the screws were. It got to a point where it was impossible to screw them with a screwdriver due to how badly messed up the heads were, so I used some needle pliers to manually twist them as best I could. This worked, but it was impossible not to leave scratches on the metalwork of the front and rear blocks.
No harm no foul though, I just touched up the metal work with a bit of paint. I can't imagine it'll be very visible anyway once the engine, monocoque and gearbox are all attached together.
Next up, 50.4, fitting the plug caps. First up, the cam covers were replaced. Same issue as the front and rear blocks re: screws, but not to the same extent.
Before I show photos of the plug cap to engine block assembly, I just wanted to show some photos of the caps themselves, I didn't notice when I got them ages ago that they've actually got text on. I've tried to show this the best I can. Not relevant to the building process or anything, just another little detail that I find interesting that it has been replicated.
Photo 1, just to show the size and scale:
Detail photos:
These were then glued onto the engine block, helpfully covering the chewed up screws as well on the cam covers.
And another photo of the detail:
And that's it for this stage. I'll be continuing with this over the coming week or 2, up to stage 53.