Anycase, focusing on F1 or FE impact today is like being diagnosed with Cancer, and ignore it while you first solve your little finger scratch
Setting an example is important, but we should never loose perspective, the problem are millions tons emissions, if we focus on reducing some hundreds or thousands tons from an specific source wich can´t be scaled up, we simply are missing the point
Prioritizing is crucial at any analysis, and F1 or any other motorsport is so far from what we should consider our priorities I think not even Greta will care about F1 ever, or she shouldn´t at least.
For example, heating systems are the biggest polluting source by far, it could have been solved decades ago with no big investment or cost for anyone, but no country has solve it yet. Why?. Because energy companies are too powerful and no politician will legislate against them. It would be as simple as banning houses wich are not passive (passivehaus standard or any other) wich supposes a 5-10% increase in cost wich is paid off is just 5-7 years and we would basically erradicate the biggest polluting factor in the world. But houses wich bascially don´t need any energy are not interesting for energy companies, so politicians don´t legislate in the direction they should. Meanwhile citicens who have no money for a new car are criminalized
Politicians are experts manipulating, they don´t do their job, they harm millions people, but they manage to face citizens against each other because while we´re fighting ourselves we will never fight them.