Jason: Firstly it's wrong that the exhaust solution is new, they only ran the oval outlets at Melbourne as far as I'm aware. However I do think they perhaps opened up the sidepod exits slightly. Secondly has Gary Anderson been reading my blog?
http://somersf1.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/ ... o-top.html almost word for word the comments I wrote just after the race on Monday LOL
'The FW34's side pods end quite abruptly with the exhausts exiting along with the airflow coming through the side pods in order to combine these flows energizing the latter. This allows for a much broader flow to exit toward the rear of the car much further forward than if it were to exit from an engine cover cooling slot.This flow enables the diffuser to work more effectively further forward on the car.'
If you check back over the smoking car of Pastor's from China they ran with the sidepod exits in the same place as the exhaust