Having your COP around 1800mm compared to the ideal of 1650mm will make very little difference -lap time will be slightly slower (a couple of tenths of a second most likely depending on how much downforce you have: the more downforce you have overall the more effect COP will have on lap time), but remember we are almost certainly going to apply a small correction to the actual COP to bring it closer to the optimum COP so the time loss will be even less, this means that you shouldn't feel the need to do multiple CFD runs to get the COP exactly right. But you are right: I should give you guys the option of changing COP so you can see how it affects lap times. I will unlock this option.. but I'm not home tonight and won't be able to do it for a couple of days.CAEdevice wrote: Thank you Machin. Only one thing: COP is a costant value (1650mm). My car as a COP aound 1800mm, how can I take it into account simulating the best lap?
Now personally, if it were me and I got a CFD result with a COP slightly too far back I would simply increase the incidence of one or two front wing flaps slightly before I submitted the car for the race....