JayeOFarrell wrote:Honestly any loss of a team is sad, whether they had made progress or not. All the noises coming out the team was that a this time there REALLY was a whole new car being designed for 2013 and I would have loved to see them have one last crack at it. If this new car was a failure then I would of felt comfortable with them leaving. At least this way it wont be as unceremonious and uncomfortable as the slow impulsion of Super Aguri.
There was never going to be a NEW car. After a while one begins to see a pattern of behaviour within an organisation. HRT talked about a major upgrade for Singapore that never appeared. One could argue that the reason was that they were concentrating for 2013 but the reality was they did not have the money.
While I'm sure that Tatham had the bones of a car design, lack of money means he's restricted on what he can achieve. This year HRT had a bad car with handling imbalaces. With a limited budget you can attempt to dial out the imbalances but that still leaves a bad car.
Instead of wringing our hands over this corpse people should have ben asking HRT how they intended to setup a new base, hire staff, design and build a new car with euro 50 million. You can't. Caterham and Marussia have had to spend big to do inhouse operations. The only way it works is if you have your own race team and support staff and outsource all design and build to a specialist company. Even then you're going to near the back.
I don't think Thesan think they can sell HRT. Otherwise the would pay the entry fee. You can't buy the team without an entry can you?