Thanks for the pictures. I am uploading them on the banner.
I made a small update to OCCFD to add the weighting of the CoP (it is average of the predicted COP and the optimum COP) as part of the OCCFD output. I also did a minor update for when running AWS simulations... This update should not affect any other items. Updated OCCFD is available at
http://www.khamsinvirtualracecarchallen ... edirects=0.
CAEdevice and MadMatt mentioned difficulties in running OCCFD. When working with CAEdevice, it usually helped to "clean" the mesh using netfabb. One of the symptom is that the inside of the car is being meshed - which should not happen. I am not 100% sure, but it also looks like the Windows port of openFoam may not be as robust as the AWS one.
On this subject, the mesh cleaning step has become a bit impractical with the separate intake and exhausts surfaces as I have to close the mesh with the surfaces and then remove the surfaces (pseudo manually). Please make sure that the edges of the intake/exhaust surfaces are matching with the body reasonably well, otherwise there may be some spurious faces (I can't do much about them)...
I am also confirming that you will receive a copy of the CFD results - same as last year. It won't be as streamlined as it was...
The submission portal has been included on the website
http://www.khamsinvirtualracecarchallen ... lenge-2015. You should have received an email with your username and key. Feel free to try to submit a file if you want to check and get familiar with the process.