ss.vamsikrishna wrote:So guys you say...he came from 15th to 1st with out overtaking a single car and his team mate crashes when he you say alonso thinks it was all a miracle which god has designed for guys are so naive....

For starters I am not an Alonso fan, but I recognize the talent!
Let's say he did have some knowledge of the crash conspiracy.
It does not diminish his talent in and of itself.
You've seen clear to somehow form a character profile that this F1 fans see as being argued with a background
based on an unsubstantiated, prejudice, and quite
frankly a false premise. There is no logical correspondence between the years Fred won 2
Wdc’s, finished a close third,and imho drove a dog of a car to some pretty impressive results!
That's all. You’re dogging a guy for the sake of loosing venom!
Not becoming an F1 aficionado
Once again I defer to "The Bard"
"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and
some have greatness thrust upon 'em."
Twelfth Night (II, v, 156-159)