zenithbeach wrote:the important thing here i think is that Christian H said immediately after the race that it was mark's fault because he was slower than vettel. he implied that webber was told to let vettel pass (obviously in a code).
when webber was then interviewed and asked about this particular "information" he looked totally oblivious and confused. he was like "WTF, no way, nobody told me that" blah blah so basically it was a miscommunication on red bulls part.
its rather frustrating for both drivers i think, and i hope that - even though they seem to blame each other - incidents like that wont happen again! i mean look at how many points theyve lost! especially vettel shouldnt have been so aggressive, because, out of everyone, he should know the importance of every single point!
so the only comment i have to the crash is a big fat: duh!
Rubbish, this is what he said:
CHRISTIAN HORNER, Team Principal: “It’s disappointing for the team to have got into that position today. The one thing I always ask the drivers is that, yes, they can race each other, but give each other room, and that’s exactly what didn’t happen. They were too far over on the left, Sebastian got a run on the inside of Mark, but then came across too early. They didn’t give each other room; it’s as simple as that. It was a massively close race between us and the McLarens up until that point. We managed to get ourselves ahead with a better pit-stop and a better strategy for Sebastian and were first and second. Sebastian was a bit happier on the prime tyre than Mark and was looking quicker at that point in the race. He got a run on Mark up the inside and we saw what happened. It’s massively disappointing and the situation shouldn’t have occurred. To give McLaren 28 points on a plate is very frustrating for everyone in the team – especially after so much hard work. We’ve lost a lot of points today with what’s happened. We need to learn from it, so we don’t find ourselves in this position again.”
Horner is admitting Vettel screwed up!!