321apex wrote:Most obviously you wanted to make a point about the RPM drop and it is a good point to make.hollus wrote:Apex, you are forgetting to add IMHO to most of your posts (IMHO).
Please answer a very simple question: What happens immediately after your driver shifts one gear up while running at 10500 RPM?
I have not (IMHO) ignored that fact while arguing that these new F1 engines will not be running at 15k RPM. So while we consider an average of 2000 RPM drop in engine revs during shift change, we may end up with an operating envelope of lets say 9500-11500 RPM, which is still not much more than 10500 RPM.
But surely we are way off from 15k.
IMHO of course.

but the 15K is sure nice to have so you don't end up like RB so many times; hitting the limiter and having trouble passing
with DRS
until we see some power curves it is hard to tell how high the power curve is "flat"
at higher RPM the friction is higher, but you only have same fuel so you need lower boost pressure, which means you can harvest more from the MGU-H, I think ...