steering assembly is coming along nicely...
For the longest time i researched diligently products or units that would suit my needs and most importantly translate with accuracy and speed of response what a "real" simulator should feel like when actually driving it...i have personally tried many "rigs" from many different companies and they all "claim" they have the best product...i have a different opinion about that
For the past 7 months or so...just to put things in perspective, a true "simulation" device should have a linear response thus, immediate feedback..simple
One that stood out and impressed me (i rarely am) is Leo Bodnar's Force feedback Steering system. I don't own one but a friend of mine does...
"Kudos" to him and his team, as it is well designed...quality finish and materials, built like a brick...& the driving experience and feel is just "spot on" which i need it to be, it will be perfect for my Sim, not to mention save me a lot of time. I designed it just for fun, as i will need to model a custom clamping system to accomodate my steering wheel in which the "quick disconnect" on the back is based on the Ferrari F1 Wheel.
More updates coming soon.