well I am not the only one, apparentlyzioture wrote:https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 18669dc78bRedragon wrote:The new nose and camera pods remind me of Jar Jar Binks
http://imageserver.moviepilot.com/jar-j ... height=768
http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience ... _getty.jpg
I'm actually struggling to see the difference between the current front wing and the final one used by the 05...foxmulder_ms wrote:Front wing of this car is so refined, it makes others look like work of amateurs.
The differences are very slight, so it does make me wonder whether we'll see more visible work done to it by Melbourne.NewtonMeter wrote:I'm actually struggling to see the difference between the current front wing and the final one used by the 05...foxmulder_ms wrote:Front wing of this car is so refined, it makes others look like work of amateurs.
AMuS reported that Merc were due to bring a new FW to Melbourne that has more visible changes to it. The rest of the field must hope this does not add even more performance.Blaze1 wrote:The differences are very slight, so it does make me wonder whether we'll see more visible work done to it by Melbourne.NewtonMeter wrote:I'm actually struggling to see the difference between the current front wing and the final one used by the 05...foxmulder_ms wrote:Front wing of this car is so refined, it makes others look like work of amateurs.
Wow a lot haschanged on that PU.