Haas - American team in F1

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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Manoah2u wrote:I'll rephrase my earlier overcynical post about Haas that subsequently but understandably (though not wihout some dissapointment) got removed;

It's really hard taking Gene Haas serious with all the elements in play. The biggest element continues to be the ironically and uncanny resemblance and deja-vu with USF1, of which Gene Haas was involved in supplying his CNC machinery. Knowing Haas recruited mister Steiner, which has been involved in USF1, they have been involved in multiple ways with a completely failed outage before.

below an official image from the USF1 headquarters when they were busy on their route to failure

Gene HAAS himself stated that when they entered NASCAR, they expected to run immediately with the big dogs, but it was a huge surprise that they were far more 'professional' and evolved then they thought and thus fell short significantly. He called it
"A tough nut to crack".
Mind you, we're talking NASCAR here. Without going into a debate about Nascar operations, the simple fact is F1 is far, far and i really mean FAR more demanding and on a higher professional level then Nascar, in any single sense of the word.

Haas said his first season will be a success if Haas F1 can
“show up for every race”
“keep the cars from having the parts fall off."
Literal words of Haas himself.

To USAToday he said
""I've been involved in a successful NASCAR team. I have a lot of experience there. I have a wind tunnel where we can do our scale model testing. I have a successful business involved in manufacturing. "All those things seem to say, 'Gee whiz, Formula One seems like a natural stepping stone toward the ultimate event.' ""
but there's more
"Sometimes people think the European way of racing is so much more advanced than the Americans," Haas said. "But we're the most advanced country on the planet. So I can't imagine why we can't do it.""
"quite frankly, I think we can beat the Europeans at their own game."
those are actual words from Gene, but so are these
"““There’s all these things that I had very little knowledge about.....Even dealing with the FIA is totally different from, say, like NASCAR, where you just fill out a form and show up"
It's with expressions like this that I feel having a hard time believing in Haas. Mainly because he states great words at first and then he has to crawl back from it as he's getting shown how immensely difficult F1 really is.

I know I've come off as a harsh haas-basher, and yes, may have gotten a bit overboard before - but in fact, when I first read of Haas intentions of entering F1, i was hopefull and excited. Unfortunately, i've done some research and the more i dig into it, the more disappointed and the more cynical i get.

Like hiring the right people. Gunther Steiner? Matt Borland? USF1, failed Nascar RedBull experience, failed F1 RedBull experience (RedBull became good after he left). People like to back his charlotte facility up to point on how he's intending to be serious about it all; but are overlooking a simple fact that Gene, again, stated himself;
"we had started on this building and it was originally designed for the 41 Cup team and then during the building of it, I decided that we could make it bigger and if the Formula 1 deal comes along......."
The problem is, like i've mentioned before, all this comes straight out of the mouth of Gene Haas himself. It's not like some people are just twisting words, or needing to change his words. literal annotation is enough.

People like to think he's proved himself in motorsport,
but the fact is it was actually Tony Steward who, back in the day, bought half of the Nascar outfit to save it and then turned it into a winning team. Meanwhile, Gene Haas did 2 years prison for tax fraud. Tony Steward essentially was the driving success, and he's not involved at all in the F1 foray.

Which essentially, turns Haas into just any wealthy enterpreneur that decides he wants to sell his business through F1.
Ok first you've got the Tony Stewart thing wrong. Haas needed a top driver so he gave Stewart 50%. Also, multiple f1 guys have come to nascar(engineers and drivers) but they all left with their tail between their legs. It just sounds like you're quite uneducated on the points you bring up. This does not mean I think haas will succeed.just clearing up some misinformation.
“To be able to actually make something is awfully nice”
Bruce McLaren on building his first McLaren racecars, 1970

“I've got to be careful what I say, but possibly to probably Juan would have had a bigger go”
Sir Frank Williams after the 2003 Canadian GP, where Ralf hesitated to pass brother M. Schumacher

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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Actually, no. Haas had big money problems and was forced to make a solution. In a last bid hi sold his stake to Tony Stewart, somebody with actual potential. Stewart only was "attracted" because it would be 'worth his while' regarding the ownership stake.

Tail between the legs? :lol: Sorry are you trying to be serious here? Do I need to begin about Raikkonen? Or better yet, the 'great' Montoya? Nelson Piquet Jr? Jaques Villeneuve? Mario Andretti? Dan Gurney?

Tell me the amout of Nascar drivers in F1, and about their success, please if you want to entertain.
I'm not getting into a Nascar bashing game here, but i will make the response about better not saying stuff like that
if there is nothing to vouch for from opposite side.
I don't even will bash Nacar because dispite it all, I like USA V8 engines roaring about and raw steel 'thunder'. I have one myself and i'm not talking about your average chrysler 6-cyl sadcase wannabe. But there is no mistake; Nascar and F1 are worlds apart and apart from that, F1's professional level is so far 'above' that of Nascar, that there's really simply no comparison. And that's without trying to be demeaning to Nascar professionals.

but puh-lease.
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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Lets be honest, we haven't seen enough from Haas to know if he is more or less credible than HRT, Marussia or Caterham at the same stage. The difference is that those 3 teams got a lot less publicity so we weren't exposed to their foot in mouth moments. Also they weren't American.

He seems realistic that getting to the grid will be a challenge in itself, he's honest about the F1 politics rather than pretending it's simple, he's honest that his best chance is to link up with established suppliers and teams.

So far at this stage Haas seems no different to the previous new entrants, ie not much to show while still 15 months away from the first race. Perhaps the closest example if HRT because he's hoping for a customer car and lacks experienced personal such as Symonds at Marussia or Gascoyne at Caterham. By the way, did Caterham or Marussia have Symonds or Gascoyne at this stage?

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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Richard wrote:Lets be honest, we haven't seen enough from Haas to know if he is more or less credible than HRT, Marussia or Caterham at the same stage. The difference is that those 3 teams got a lot less publicity so we weren't exposed to their foot in mouth moments. Also they weren't American.
Which is the point, Haas is getting exposure in spades as it is for next to nothing, why would he waste his money as a backmarker?
Richard wrote: ...
So far at this stage Haas seems no different to the previous new entrants, ie not much to show while still 15 months away from the first race.
Oh but he is, as he is an entrant only on paper.
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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Surely the other recent entrants had nothing to show 15 months before the first race? They were only entrants on paper too.

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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Richard wrote:Surely the other recent entrants had nothing to show 15 months before the first race? They were only entrants on paper too.
They definitely didn't as Campos, Manor & Lotus Racing weren't granted licences until June & September 2009 for the 2010 season.

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Re: Haas - American team in F1


So Haas is further down the path than the other recent entrants, both on paper and facilities.

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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Manoah2u wrote:Actually, no. Haas had big money problems and was forced to make a solution. In a last bid hi sold his stake to Tony Stewart, somebody with actual potential. Stewart only was "attracted" because it would be 'worth his while' regarding the ownership stake.

Tail between the legs? :lol: Sorry are you trying to be serious here? Do I need to begin about Raikkonen? Or better yet, the 'great' Montoya? Nelson Piquet Jr? Jaques Villeneuve? Mario Andretti? Dan Gurney?

Tell me the amout of Nascar drivers in F1, and about their success, please if you want to entertain.
I'm not getting into a Nascar bashing game here, but i will make the response about better not saying stuff like that
if there is nothing to vouch for from opposite side.
I don't even will bash Nacar because dispite it all, I like USA V8 engines roaring about and raw steel 'thunder'. I have one myself and i'm not talking about your average chrysler 6-cyl sadcase wannabe. But there is no mistake; Nascar and F1 are worlds apart and apart from that, F1's professional level is so far 'above' that of Nascar, that there's really simply no comparison. And that's without trying to be demeaning to Nascar professionals.

but puh-lease.
Where did you get any idea any of these people were great in NASCAR ? I mean Andretti won the Daytona 500, but what did any of the others accomplish? We're not talking indycars,they don't have 150m$ a year teams like NASCAR . Whether anyone likes to believe it or not, the engineering in NASCAR is as high a level as anywhere else.
“To be able to actually make something is awfully nice”
Bruce McLaren on building his first McLaren racecars, 1970

“I've got to be careful what I say, but possibly to probably Juan would have had a bigger go”
Sir Frank Williams after the 2003 Canadian GP, where Ralf hesitated to pass brother M. Schumacher

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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Richard wrote:So Haas is further down the path than the other recent entrants, both on paper and facilities.
And funding....

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Re: Haas - American team in F1


... and an owner already steeped in top level racing as opposed to an airline operator or a spanish property developer (surely an oxyoron post 2008?)

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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Richard wrote:... and an owner already steeped in top level racing as opposed to an airline operator or a spanish property developer (surely an oxyoron post 2008?)
Not to metion that soft drink peddler, what's his name again, who joined in 2005?
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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Whether anyone likes to believe it or not, the engineering in NASCAR is as high a level as anywhere else.
They have to do more with less. :wink:
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Re: Haas - American team in F1


Richard wrote:... and an owner already steeped in top level racing as opposed to an airline operator or a spanish property developer (surely an oxyoron post 2008?)
There was that oil drilling tycoon who did pretty decent for the time he was around in the late 1970s...

Being steeped in racing means what as a predictor for success?

Nothing really.
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Re: Haas - American team in F1


It's a discussion comparing Haas with the other new entrants in the current era. At this early stage he's just as ready (possibly more so) as the teams that did get a car to the track.

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Re: Haas - American team in F1


GitanesBlondes wrote:Being steeped in racing means what as a predictor for success?

Nothing really.
Give me a break. I'll grant you that the F1 game is very different than NASCAR, and the challenges that lay ahead for Haas are large. However, he does have an advantage due to his racing history.

He has a network of contractors, and suppliers. He already has people in place to generate non prize-money revenues (sponsorships, licensing deals, merchandise). He has an infrastructure, in-house and contracted, for the purpose of building and testing race cars. Finally he has hundreds of contacts within the racing arena, from whom he can draw to fill staff positions of all sorts.

While his outfit must make large adaptations and do a lot of learning, he is not just another A-hole showing up to the track with a big bank account.