Quite often, especially recently, you see last minute fixes, or what looks like hacksaw jobs. There is plenty of images on these forums of startling bad workmanship, on various different cars, just look for yourself.Crabbia wrote:I'm going to reserve judgement until I see another engine cover. I still think it's intentional. This is carbon fibre ppl. Not ur moms finest china. It's not gonna break in shipping and if it had the black material underneath it would have shown some damage. and the paint is perfect.
As far as manufacturing defect is concerned. Really? Have u seen any of those in formula one? With these levels of QC? Especially considering they had an extra week to prepare for this race. Not likely.
Edit: it is intentional. Look at the first photo of francesc set. You can see that the shape follows the contour of how the suspension arm would come up under full load. (keep in mind the car is on a jack in the photo and hence the suspension arms are fully relaxed) Also, the black material would not show damage, whereas the painted material would. This also allows the engine cover to close the gaps left for the suspension arms. And I'd guess that that black material has a little less friction than a glossy coat of paint scarlet paint if the suspension were to rub against in the case of damage to the car.
As for QC, well this image from testing shows much better QC from Ferrari:
But hey, why have a nice curved edge, when you can have something that looks like a hacksaw job instead, right?