Marcush, you do realise that HRT are not using the Dallara chassis anymore?
As both the F111 are sat in Spain right now!
the difference small enough to consider it being the same...The chassi top half is definetly the same ,willis claiming last year they had the lower half a bit different...But steering wishbones front etc very much look unaltered......cbbcisace wrote:Marcush, you do realise that HRT are not using the Dallara chassis anymore?
As both the F111 are sat in Spain right now!
cbbcisace wrote:I agree on the part that they look the similar in concept, but dont all teams chassis look similar from year to year? , I thought you meant they where the actual same chassis
we knew this over 7 hours agoFrukostScones wrote:
"testing? Nah, we never did it and never will."