Variante has been quite bad with the cooling flow this year and TF was not able to have it perfect for his first entry of this concept either, so he might not get P1 right away but if he does I bet with a gap to the next cars. Once more do not overlook Pure Power Racing (yes, he has the black car, I have made a bad mistake there). While these super sleek cars will have the least drag, JJR is my bet for P1. A rear wing has is such a good part for down force and has so much aero efficiency, I think you simply need a big one. But only if you can get it balanced with enough front down force and we all know that JJR knows how to balance a car.
The TF and Variante cars will be the way to go for Le Mans ( I assume).
Anyways as you will very soon get a much enhanced version of MantiumWFlow I am wondering what you guys think about fully using it and delaying the last race for one or two weeks. If we delay the race for two weeks you would get your results on Christmas, which might be a nice present for one of you.