Ciro Pabón wrote:I don't understand Badoer performance. He was very close to Schumacher times, as far as I remember, every time I saw test times at Fiorano. How come that now he can't "move" the car? I know he's rather old but that's really misterious.
Part of it is lack of race time, as opposed to track time. Being the only guy going 'round an empty track leaves you with a lot less to think about than being one of 20 guys all fighting to get past each other while going around a track. Every time he's encountered another racer, he's more pulled over to let them by than defend.
The other bit, whether it's lack of race time or not, is just plain bad luck. He's been spun more than once now, which isn't helping.
He laid down a few decent laps at Spa, but it isn't coming together terribly quickly.
Is he inordinately slow? I don't think so. Looking at the group he's racing against, he's at a huge disadvantage, and really, nobody who's been away from racing for as long as he has would stand a chance.
Ferrari have failed him by not keeping him racing in other series', and also for their part in that boneheaded testing ban.