Very good df/dr ratio!etsmc wrote: The drag and downforce performance predicted by the simulation are:
Total drag: 1761.38 N
Front wing(s) drag: 287.19 N
Rear wing(s) drag: 287.16 N
Drag coefficient - Cd: 0.84
Drag area - Cd.A: 1.47 m2
Total Downforce: -3999.75 N
Front wing(s) downforce: -1884.53 N
Rear wing(s) downforce: -1846.47 N
Downforce coefficient - Cl: -1.91
Downforce area - Cl.A: -3.34 m2
CoP of downforce: 1.532 m along streamwise (Y) direction from Y = 0.00 m.
KVRC Only: Corrected CoP of downforce: 1.591 m along streamwise (Y) direction from Y = 0.00 m.
The pressure at intake and exhaust are:
Engine intake, Area: 0.018m2 - Compliant
Surface integral of pressure: 4.35 Pa.m2
Engine exhaust, Area: 0.011m2 - Compliant
Surface integral of pressure: -4.59 Pa.m2
Cooling intake, Area: 0.401m2 - Compliant
Cooling exhaust, Area: 0.402m2 - Compliant
Differential of surface integral of pressure: -269.23 Pa.m2
A good start to the year now to get some more downforce.
... but the cooling pressure differential should not be positive? Or I am interpreting it in the wrong way?