pgfpro wrote:gruntguru wrote:pgfpro wrote:Just wondering what you guys are thinking the turbos turbine is making for total power output?
Just read back through this thread. There are lots of estimates for turbine power.
It just seems to me now a lot of people are thinking the turbo is making enough power to run the compressor and have still over 160HP available from the MGUH to send to the battery or right to the MGUK with the F1 fuel limit.
Using some of my calculators from a few turbo company's the turbo needs around 42HP to run the compressor and has about 60HP max left over based on the F1 fuel limit. This is based on some of the most efficient radial turbos of today.
the MM mgu-h presented 2 years ago at Monza was a 70 kW unit
and fwiw we are told that Ferrari had underestimated the available power recovery
the max sustainable PU power (crankshaft + gu-h/mu-k) is one thing, and will be used at some times in the race
but it doesn't follow that max sustainable crankshaft power coincides with max sustainable gu-h power ?
surely a higher gu-h power is always obtainable at the cost of some crankshaft power ?
the NACA showed this 70 years ago
induction MAP governs the massflow, turbine load (here raising exhaust pressure) can be raised even into -dP exhaust regions
EVC timing may need matching to this -dP (remember that our everyday SI engines have always operated at a -dP)
anyway the recovery cannot be constant throughout the necessary range of 10500 - 12400 rpm
because the boost and/or mean AFR must vary to reconcile the 18% variation of rpm with 0% variation of permitted fuel rate
PS EDIT contrary to mrluke's post this page and other posts after this .......
(afaik) gg's own figures do not support the view that leaning will produce more recovery power
as the extra turbine power with leaning is nullified by the extra power required by the compressor
(afaik) all this assumes 80% efficiency from the turbine and the compressor
if eg 72% was the average obtained under the changeable engine conditions this (Brayton) recovered power would be half eg 23 kW