Florio wrote:wesley123 wrote:so that means that for every chassis they build they can run 100km with it? so effectively that would mean that the more chassis they build the more testing they can do
Yes, but then the cost of all the chassis' and testing then is the reason they don't all exploit this.
Pretty much the reason they dont do it regularly.
A cost of a 2009 Toyota TF109 was arround $650,000 as was reported by Toyota. So if you put 5 new chassis on the grid each year; thats $3m, plus the additional costs. So isnt really economicaly feasable.
And with the proposed rules where teams may soon be forced to produce between 7 to 11 tubs over a two or three year period, shakedowns will soon be more meaningless.
Most teams will use their TV days and shakedown days, the fact that most are done quietly is something that says they arnt wanting to show off their cars as most shakedowns are done by test drivers. Ferrari do theirs with race drivers, the only team is Mercedes that does shakedowns with race drivers, but last year it was rumored that Anthony Davidson was drafted in for their last shakedown.
Shaking-down is one way to circumnavagate the rules, but the fact that its so expencive is the way to prevent it.