I emphatically contest the claim -change only 1 thing at a time..
todays buzz word is DoE as you sure know very well.Done right this is the short track towards results.It does not say change randomly 500 parameters and try to make sense of it of course-but a structured method of preplanning will help to quickly get on top of all the variables.
On the other hand change on thing at a time:
a crude example would be to set up and develop the car without any downforce -less wings - (like Bruce Mclaren did ...) and only when completeted add the wings ..a complete nonsense as you can imagine the wings simply will play havoc with your springs as the downforce will easily squash the springs and render your setup effort useless...
Sure i have to confess DoE is just a phrase and reality is total chaos.... [-o< at least that´s how things go in my work with every dog and his engineer attending a training in DoE and doing something rediculous afterwords in his work .