I'm still trying to investigate flow behavior around an f1 car.
I found out that vortices appear quit "naturally" just from basic fia imposed geometry plus rake. For example outer front floor corner and T-tray corner generate vortices with rake because of, well let's quote Flash Gordon Mccabe on this one :
"The crucial point is that this lateral pressure gradient corresponds to the creation of a spanwise-gradient in the streamwise velocity ∂U/∂z > 0. To see why this is crucial, however, we need to look at the Vorticity Transport Equation (VTE) for ωx , the streamwise component of vorticity.
The effect in question can be seen by studying incompressible, inviscid, laminar flow, so we can simplify the VTE by omitting the turbulent and viscous terms to obtain:
Dωx /Dt = ωx (∂U/∂x) + ωy (∂U/∂y) + ωz (∂U/∂z)
The left-hand side here, Dωx /Dt, is the material derivative of the x-component of vorticity; it denotes the change of ωx in material fluid elements convected downstream by the flow. Now, we started with ωz > 0 in the boundary layer, and by virtue of creating a lateral pressure gradient, we also have ∂U/∂z > 0. This means that the third term on the right-hand side in the equation above is positive, which (assuming the other pair of terms are non-negative) entails that Dω x /Dt >
Thus, the creation of the spanwise-gradient in the streamwise velocity ∂U/∂z, skews the initially spanwise vortex lines ωz until they possess a significant component ωx in a streamwise direction. The lateral pressure gradient has created streamwise vorticity."
Where x,U are streamwise and z,W spanwise in the VTE.
So that is the picture i get from a basic geometry without wings :
So F1 engineers create some vortices but control others that are inevitable and potentially bad. I observed upper sidepod vortices on this redbull style design that seems to indicate the purpose of the sidepod winglet that deviate the flow laterally. So i investigated further...
And created those winglet and as expected it seems to control and reinforce sidepod vortices which goes back just under the rear wing main plate at the center.
Without winglet :
With :
I like F1 aerodynamic!