For a sport that prides it's self on cutting edge technology they always fall behind on the one that's the most important media coverage, other then showing the race on the " tellies " they've left the rest up to the print and tv media to do the band waving,
All he has to do is look at what the other major sports are doing with the internet,
The NHL has had a youtube channel for a long time, I can go online and see any highlight - Replay or Fight I want.
they have video's on player's, coaches, even Fan's. It's the same with the NFL, Baseball, Soccer/Football
And then there's NASCAR very similar to F1 (business model) And for nascar fans anything you could want they give you,
Any fan should be able to go online 1-2 days after a race and see Highlights of it and not just one 3 minute clip (I like the highlight video) but video's of team pit stops, vid clips of the race from different camera angles that didn't get used on TV.
we should be able to see onboard's from every driver, interviews from drivers, team personnel, maybe something informative like how the teams set up the paddock, How do you feed all the team and guests, what do drivers do between the races. lots of stuff they could do but don't
"Before you had a handful of channels - and on one you could watch Formula 1.
Now people can choose from too many options - that confuses."
Formula 1 could take a few hints from the other sports and give the fans more, give them a reason to want to watch more
Every crack addict started with a free taste