Additional information on how the voting went. Merc voted against doubling the energy. Ferrari and Renault wanted to go from 400 kJ to 800 kJ.
They have increased the minimum weight of the car to accommodate a system that will make the life of a driver much harder. Now we have a push to pass KERS system and a push to pass proximity wing system. That makes no sense in my view.
KERS needs to be a proper dual torque system from the ground up without energy or power limitation and with a common ECU controlled way to feed/extract the electric power in a way that ABS, ESP and launch control are avoided.
It is clear that this will be needed as soon as the new power train formula arrives supposedly in 2013. Getting to that point with a reasonable cost burden and with as low vehicle weight as possible is the challenge. I'm not sure the teams have taken a good approach here. Just about the only positive point is the cost cap agreement. I hope they will not make a mess of it.