2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)

All that has to do with the power train, gearbox, clutch, fuels and lubricants, etc. Generally the mechanical side of Formula One.
Joined: 08 Jun 2009, 16:21
Location: Cape Town

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


Many thanks for both explanations.
I now see that you can balance the opposed pistons simply with the crank webs when they use the same crankpin.
Now I appreciate how the combustion pressure actually seals the PatRoVa rotary element against the stationary element - exactly what you need.

Joined: 21 Feb 2009, 07:43

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


manolis wrote:Why a two cylinder V-90 instead of a single cylinder engine?

Because in the single you have to add one or two external balance shafts (weight, cost, additional bearings, friction, extra space, complication etc) to reduce the inertia vibrations, while in the V-90 the second piston besides offering a much better vibration-free quality (think of the elimination of the inertia torque on the rear tire of a motorcycle) it also doubles the power and lowers the specific friction.
No problem if you convert an existing single as suggested by Brian.

OTOH I think the Panigale is a good choice from another perspective. The Panigale with its extreme B/S ratio has a poor combustion chamber design due to the large diameter, thin cross section and lumpy piston crown required for high compression. The Pat RoVa has an excellent combustion chamber being formed in the head and fairly flexible when it comes to shape (near-spherical is possible even at high CR.) I am sure the burn time would be dramatically reduced and the HUCR much increased compared to the standard pent-roof design.
je suis charlie

Joined: 18 Mar 2014, 10:00

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


Hello Gruntguru.

Thank you for the analysis / presentation of the characteristics of the PatRoVa design.

For lower cost and direct comparison, the original pistons, connecting rods and crankshaft are to be used in the first modified to PatRoVa Ducati Panigale.

If there is material underneath the original piston crowns, the piston crowns are to be grinded to eliminate the deep valve pockets (which means re-balancing of the crankshaft by removing material from the crankshaft balance webs).

With flat / polished piston crowns and flat / polished cylinder head bottom, things improve (lower thermal loss, easy flow of the compressed gas from the cylinder to the combustion chamber at the end of the compression (squeeze, swirl) and back into the cylinder after the combustion).

Without exhaust valves (actually: without hot spots, of any kind, in touch with the compressed charge) the HUCR (highest useful compression ratio) increases a lot.

Depending on its specific location in the original combustion chamber of the Ducati Panigale, a molecule of air or of fuel “sees” from red-hot wall surfaces (exhaust valves) to relatively cold wall surfaces (intake valves, cylinder head at the opposite to the exhaust valves side).
If you had to heat a metal piece by hot gas, the ideal way is to put it in the stream of the hot gas; this is the way the exhaust valve operates being inside the stream of the exiting red-hot exhaust gas.
The exhaust valve, which is worse obstacle than the intake valve in terms of kinetic energy loss, heat loss and combustion deterioration appears now as the worst element in the conventional engine, especially for the over-square high-speed engines where the air flow is more radial than axial. Think about it starting at the moment the exhaust opens.
The conventional cylinder head needs a lot of cooling to maintain low the temperature of the exhaust valve seats whereon the exhaust valves seat and cool.

In comparison, the temperature of the PatRoVa combustion chamber wall surfaces is about uniform.

The disk rotary valve is hot only around the exhaust ports, shown at right / right-bottom in the following photo:


However, during the compression / combustion the ports / lips of the combustion chamber are covered / sealed by the cold area of the disks: from left middle to top in the photo; during the compression – combustion the compressed gas “sees”, through the chamber ports, not hot surfaces.

The simpler way to think about it is: each point of the combustion chamber surface is equally related with the intake and the exhaust.
Think how much this affects the need for cooling.
Without a gasket between the cylinder head and the cylinder liner, no coolant is required in the PatRoVa cylinder head (the cooling liquid around the cylinder liner – or the cooling fins around the cylinder liner in case of air cooling - cools the cylinder head, too).

The Boxer Rotax aero engines use air-cooled cylinders and liquid cooled cylinder heads. With the PatRoVa in the heads, things would change.

The need for extreme spark advance (actually the slow progress of the combustion, and the long distance the flame beeds to cover) is another big issue in the Ducati Panigale and the similar short-stroke engines.

Quote from Cycle World:

“TECH ESSAY: Not Hitting The Head”

Formula 1 and MotoGP engines have extreme bore/stroke ratios that slow combustion by creating combustion chambers that are vertically too thin to leave room for turbulence that lasts through top dead center.
To renew that turbulence, squish areas are created outside the “valve footprint.”
As these flat outer regions of the piston rush at corresponding flat areas on the head, the fuel/air mixture between then is “squished out,” forming fast moving inward jets that stir what’s in the chamber.
Even with squish, ignition has to occur painfully early (as in more than 60 degrees BTDC) in such thin, wide chambers, and this creates heat loss and forces much of the charge to burn at less than peak compression.”

End of Quote.

In the PatRoVa, the distance from the spark plug to the ends of the combustion chamber formed into the cylinder head almost halves, with the charge being in a unique, compact (small surface to volume ratio) and concentrated chamber.

According the previous, with the PatRoVa on the cylinder head the bore and stroke of the Ducati Panigale 1299 (116mm bore, 60.8mm stroke, rev limiter at 11,500rpm (23.3m/sec mean piston speed), peak power 200PS) can change to even more over-square.

For instance, with 50mm stroke and 128mm bore (it may sound extreme, but is it? ) the capacity is the same, the rev limiter shifts to 14,000rpm (same mean piston speed) and the power goes from the current 200PS to some 250PS.

Manolis Pattakos

Tommy Cookers
Tommy Cookers
Joined: 17 Feb 2012, 16:55

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


manolis wrote:Without exhaust valves ..... the HUCR (highest useful compression ratio) increases a lot.
The exhaust valve, which is worse obstacle than the intake valve in terms of kinetic energy loss, heat loss and combustion deterioration appears now as the worst element in the conventional engine, especially for the over-square high-speed engines where the air flow is more radial than axial.
The conventional cylinder head needs a lot of cooling to maintain low the temperature of the exhaust valve seats whereon the exhaust valves seat and cool.
The need for extreme spark advance (actually the slow progress of the combustion, and the long distance the flame beeds to cover) is another big issue in the Ducati Panigale and the similar short-stroke engines.
Quote from Cycle World:“TECH ESSAY: Not Hitting The Head”
Formula 1 and MotoGP engines have extreme bore/stroke ratios that slow combustion by creating combustion chambers that are vertically too thin to leave room for turbulence that lasts through top dead center.
.......Even with squish, ignition has to occur painfully early (as in more than 60 degrees BTDC) in such thin, wide chambers, and this creates heat loss and forces much of the charge to burn at less than peak compression.”

....with the PatRoVa on the cylinder head the bore and stroke of the Ducati Panigale 1299 (116mm bore, 60.8mm stroke, rev limiter at 11,500rpm (23.3m/sec mean piston speed), peak power 200PS) can change to even more over-square.
For instance, with 50mm stroke and 128mm bore (it may sound extreme, but is it? ) the capacity is the same, the rev limiter shifts to 14,000rpm (same mean piston speed) and the power goes from the current 200PS to some 250PS.
(the NACA showed) HUCR/boost is governed by piston crown temperature not valve temperature, assuming 'sodium-cooled' valves, of course
any HUCR gain would yield little or no benefit to an N/A engine at such high rpm (eg recent very high CR in N/A F1 was not octane-limited)
and most of the exhaust-related cooling need is due to exhaust heat inevitably picked up by the exhaust port, not the valve ?

the Cycle World quote is 90% wrong - sparking at 60+deg is to burn much of the charge at peak compression rather than later
all modern car engines spark timing (and diesel timing) is such that some (a trivial amount of) combustion occurs before tdc
what little work done on the piston pre-tdc is far from wasted

you cannot destroke an engine and have an rpm benefit proportionate to the b:s ratio change ie based on restoring the original piston speed
the rpm benefit of reduced stroke will be (close to) the square root of the b:s ratio change ie based on restoring the original piston acceleration
as the acceleration-related stresses in the reciprocating parts are the dominant design factor
so the rpm benefit of destroking is less than some imagine
ok, if going rotary valve greatly reduces the piston mass then a bigger rpm benefit is possible

regarding valve sizing (benefits) ......
the EV is sized to trade EV ke loss against IV ke loss, for the optimum combined performance
available IV ke being less than available EV ke, the absolute EV ke loss will legitimately be more than the absolute IV ke loss
at worthwhile % power the flow losses in the exhaust blowdown will be vastly higher anyway due to sonic, even supersonic, flow
(current F1 has high exhaust pressure and density, reducing peak velocities in blowdown to the benefit of recovery)
and there's no benefit from having valves bigger than necessary .....
conventionally/traditionally there's disbenefit from oversize, from lower velocity/stagnation pressure where inlet&exhaust( are 'porting to atmosphere'
reducing ke benefits to breathing below peak power rpm but (maybe) not ? reducing (if so chosen) 'top-end' inlet and exhaust tuned length benefits
eg the hugely trendsetting GP Peugeot c 1912 and the 1966 McLaren F1 (initial destroked Indy V8) suffered excess valve/port-to-atmosphere area
with recent throttle mapped and supershifting 7 speed F1 valve sizing needed little or no compromise ....
(but appropriate port-to-atmosphere sizing is still vital for road use, with fixed valve timing anyway)
eg Cosworth said the CA was their first engine with valves as big as ideal
the huge b:s ratio of recent N/A F1 is what allowed this
the smaller the cylinder the larger (relative to the breathing requirement ie engine displacement/time) the valve sizes can be
the greater the b:s ratio the larger (relative to the breathing requirement ie engine displacement/time) the valve sizes can be
remember the Ilmor/Merc rotary valve F1 engine had a significantly lower b:s ratio than poppet-valved 'freeze' Ilmor/Mercs that became the standard

yes, the Ducati has large cylinders and extravagant valve drive design features, and so may be quite a good 'proof-of-concept' candidate
a dohc v twin is expensive, Aprilia when replacing their WSB etc 1000cc V twin with a 900cc inline 3 they said their unit cost was halved

btw cylinder wall ported/valved engines (ie 2 strokes and sleeve-valve engines) suffer a loss in relative valve size/breathing with greater b:s ratio
though they of course benefit in breathing at reduced cylinder sizes
btw AEHS has an article on the RAE Schilling paper on the (supposed superior) breathing of sleeve valves vs poppet valves
http://www.enginehistory.org/members/ar ... ling.shtml

Joined: 21 Feb 2009, 07:43

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


manolis wrote:However, during the compression / combustion the ports / lips of the combustion chamber are covered / sealed by the cold area of the disks.
If possible to rearrange the passages in the disk, it would be advantageous for the chamber to see a hot section of disk during combustion and power stroke - to reduce heat loss.
je suis charlie

Joined: 18 Mar 2014, 10:00

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


Hello Tommy Cookers.
Thanks for your objections..

You write:
“(the NACA showed) HUCR/boost is governed by piston crown temperature not valve temperature, assuming 'sodium-cooled' valves, of course any HUCR gain would yield little or no benefit to an N/A engine at such high rpm (eg recent very high CR in N/A F1 was not octane-limited) and most of the exhaust-related cooling need is due to exhaust heat inevitably picked up by the exhaust port, not the valve ?”

Quote from http://home.people.net.au/~mrbdesign/PD ... echBRV.pdf

The Technology

The Bishop Rotary Valve (BRV) is an axial flow rotating valve incorporating both the inlet and exhaust port in the same valve.
There is one valve per cylinder positioned with its axis perpendicular to that of the crankshaft.
The steel valve is supported in two shell type needle roller bearings that ensure the valve’s stepped centre portion always runs with a small radial clearance to the housing.
The outside diameter of the valve’s centre portion and the bearings are similar, allowing the valve assembly to be housed in a stepless bore.
Face seals located at each end of the valve’s centre portion prevent cooling and lubrication oil entering the centre portion and the cylinder.
At the exhaust end a carbon face seal keeps the oil and exhaust gas separate while at the inlet end a lip seal separates the inlet air and oil.
The valve is driven by a gear at the inlet end.
The outside diameter of the valve generally lies in the range 0.67 - 0.74 that of the cylinder bore diameter allowing it to be fitted to engines with conventional cylinder bore spacings.
The valve rotates at half engine speed and eliminates the inertia induced forces that have plagued the development of reciprocating poppet valve mechanisms since the invention of the IC engine.
It is this feature that has inspired numerous inventors over the last century to chance their hand at developing rotary valve engines.
These developments have generally failed due to a combination of problems involving gas sealing, oil sealing, excessive friction and seizure caused by thermal and mechanical distortion of the valve.
As a portion of the rotary valve’s periphery is periodically exposed to the combustion process it is inevitable that thermal and mechanical distortion of the valve will occur.
Bishop focused on finding a solution that would allow this small but inevitable distortion to be accommodated.
In arrangements where both the inlet and exhaust port are in the same valve, a satisfactory solution is complicated by the requirement to prevent leakage between these ports.
A typical previous approach was to use a stationary split sleeve located around and lightly preloaded against the valve’s periphery.
In such arrangements it was very difficult to create an even distribution of oil between the valve surface and the sleeve.
This, combined with the sleeves poor ability to accommodate local distortion, resulted in high friction and seizure.
In the BRV arrangement the small radial clearance between the valve’s periphery and its housing is designed to ensure that any thermal or mechanically nduced distortion of the valve is accommodated without the valve’s periphery ever touching its housing.
Provided the radial clearance is kept small it provides sufficient flow resistance to prevent significant flow of gases between the exhaust and inlet port. In applications where this is not the case Bishop has developed additional technology to control these flows.
This approach was immediately successful and allowed the early development to proceed without seizure, friction or lubrication problems. . .


This oblique flow through the window is responsible for one of the rotary valves most useful attributes: its strong in-cylinder tumble flow.
The tumble ratio on engines with near square bore/stroke ratios is typically twice that reported for similar 4 valve engines.
Unlike the poppet valve this high tumble flow is generated without any loss of volumetric efficiency (VE) and is responsible for very fast burn rates observed.
Production based engines built in the early 1990’s had ignition timing of 15°, or less than half that of the best four valve engines.

The testing
. . .
The numerous BRV engines tested over the last 18 years have all demonstrated remarkable resistance to engine knock. In the early 1990s engines with conventional bore/stroke ratios ran compression ratios as high as 15:1 on
unleaded 93 octane pump petrol.
The F1 single cylinder engine ran compression ratios as high as 17:1 using standard F1 fuels before settling on 15.3:1 as optimum.
No evidence of knock has ever been observed and this is thought to arise from an absence of any hot surfaces in the combustion chamber (the valve surface moves continuously through the combustion chamber) and the very fast combustion rates.
Bishop anticipates rotary valve production engines could run compression ratios as high as 15:1.

End of quote.

You also write:

“the Cycle World quote is 90% wrong - sparking at 60+deg is to burn much of the charge at peak compression rather than later all modern car engines spark timing (and diesel timing) is such that some (a trivial amount of) combustion occurs before tdc what little work done on the piston pre-tdc is far from wasted”

60 deg spark advance means uncontrolled combustion, low combustion rate, hot piston crown, lower HUCR etc.

For an engine having 13:1 compression ratio, 60 degrees spark advance means than the spark happens (and the combustion starts) at some 2.5:1 instant compression ratio. Think what this means.

In the above quote for the Bishop Rotary Valve, the “absence of any hot surfaces in the combustion chamber” (without exhaust poppet valves, the “absence of any hot surfaces” means that the piston crown runs substantially colder) and the “very fast combustion rates” are mentioned as responsible for the remarkable knocking resistance.

In the above quote also writes:
“Unlike the poppet valve this high tumble flow is generated without any loss of volumetric efficiency (VE) and is responsible for very fast burn rates observed.
Production based engines built in the early 1990’s had ignition timing of 15°, or less than half that of the best four valve engines.”

With less than 30, instead of 60+ deg spark advance (i.e. half than in the conventional 4-valve short stroke racing engine), in the engine with the 13:1 compression ratio the combustion starts at an instant compression ratio of more than 6.5:1.
Differently speaking, the piston from the moment the spark happens to the TDC has to travel more than 30% of its stroke in the one case, and less than 10% in the second case.

You also write:

“you cannot destroke an engine and have an rpm benefit proportionate to the b:s ratio change ie based on restoring the original piston speed the rpm benefit of reduced stroke will be (close to) the square root of the b:s ratio change ie based on restoring the original piston acceleration as the acceleration-related stresses in the reciprocating parts are the dominant design factor so the rpm benefit of destroking is less than some imagine
ok, if going rotary valve greatly reduces the piston mass then a bigger rpm benefit is possible “

Even this way, the power would go from 200 to 230+.

However the acceleration is not the dominant design factor.
Take the tiny OS .18 TZ RC/model engine (more at http://www.pattakon.com/tempman/osmz211 ... cnitro.pdf ).
Its rev limit is some 4 times higher than Ducati’s Panigale (42,500 rpm vs 11,500rpm), while its stroke is some 4 times smaller than Ducati’s Panigale 1299 (15mm vs 60.8mm).
Supposing similar con-rod to stroke ratio, the maximum acceleration of piston of the small engine is some 4 times higher than the maximum acceleration of the piston of the big engine.

OK, the OS.18 is a ringless small 2-stroke engine.

The same happens with the short stroke (40mm for 100mm bore) F1 engines revving at 20,000rpm. The maximum piston acceleration doubles as compared to that in the Ducati Panigale 1299 at its rev limit.

The peak specific torque (and of the specific torque at the peak power revs) of the F1 engines is not less than Ducati’s Panigale.
I.e. the power increases linearly with the revs (the revs of the peak power).

The best 4-stroke NA (naturally aspirated) poppet valve engines have a specific torque of less than 125mNt/l (m*Nt per liter of engine displacement).
With freer breathing the specific torque can increase only a little; however, and provided the underneath mechanism (piston, con-rod, crankshaft, casing) is capable to withstand the punishment, the specific power can increase a lot by combining a freer breathing with higher revs (as the Bishop rotary valve did before the F1 rules were changed to abandon the rotary valves).

At 14,000rpm, 50mm stroke means a piston acceleration substantially lower than in the NA F1 engines. With 128mm bore, a PatRoVa Ducati Panigale is expected to make some 250 PS instead of the 200 of the same capacity original engine.

You also write:
“egarding valve sizing (benefits) ......
the EV is sized to trade EV ke loss against IV ke loss, for the optimum combined performance
available IV ke being less than available EV ke, the absolute EV ke loss will legitimately be more than the absolute IV ke loss
at worthwhile % power the flow losses in the exhaust blowdown will be vastly higher anyway due to sonic, even supersonic, flow
(current F1 has high exhaust pressure and density, reducing peak velocities in blowdown to the benefit of recovery)
and there's no benefit from having valves bigger than necessary .....
conventionally/traditionally there's disbenefit from oversize, from lower velocity/stagnation pressure where inlet&exhaust( are 'porting to atmosphere'
reducing ke benefits to breathing below peak power rpm but (maybe) not ? reducing (if so chosen) 'top-end' inlet and exhaust tuned length benefits
eg the hugely trendsetting GP Peugeot c 1912 and the 1966 McLaren F1 (initial destroked Indy V8) suffered excess valve/port-to-atmosphere area”

This plot (power and torque of the Panigale 1199 and Panigalle 1299) shows the problem.


The 1299 needs freer breathing (bigger valves? wilder camshafts? longer duration?). Maybe the Desmodromic cylinder head is at its limit.

Spot on the torque difference at 8,000rpm and see how smaller (almost half) it is at the peak power revs.

The breathing and the combustion rate / combustion efficiency are the problems, not the rev limit and the acceleration of the piston.
See how quickly the torque drops after 10,500rpm.
If the Panigale 1299 could keep its peak torque till the rev limit (11,500rpm according the CycleWorld), some 230hp could be made.

With shorter stroke (50mm stroke x 128mm bore instead of 60.8mm stroke x 116mm bore of the original 1299) and free breathing (PatRoVa rotary valve on the cylinder head) theoretically things can substantially improve as the blue (power) and purple (torque) lines in the following modified plot show.


Manolis Pattakosos

Brian Coat
Brian Coat
Joined: 16 Jun 2012, 18:42

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


I'm with TC - In my experience, exhaust valves are not normally an initiation site for detonation. In fact detonation in a pent 4V usually initiates on the inlet side?

The rpm and chamber geometry effects may be more significant?

Joined: 18 Mar 2014, 10:00

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


Hello Brian Coat.

You write:
“In my experience, exhaust valves are not normally an initiation site for detonation.
In fact detonation in a pent 4V usually initiates on the inlet side?”

Does it matter?

With excessive cooling around the exhaust valve seats / ports (which also means increased thermal loss) the knocking will start elsewhere (inlet side? piston crown?).

In the case of the Bishop Rotary Valve things are way different:

“The numerous BRV engines tested over the last 18 years have all demonstrated remarkable resistance to engine knock. In the early 1990s engines with conventional bore/stroke ratios ran compression ratios as high as 15:1 on unleaded 93 octane pump petrol.
The F1 single cylinder engine ran compression ratios as high as 17:1 using standard F1 fuels before settling on 15.3:1 as optimum.
No evidence of knock has ever been observed and this is thought to arise from an absence of any hot surfaces in the combustion chamber (the valve surface moves continuously through the combustion chamber) and the very fast combustion rates.”

The knocking, a fundamental problem / limitation for all poppet valve engines, "was never observed" in the Bishop Rotary Valve engines, even at extreme compression ratios (17:1), above the optimum CR.

Manolis Pattakos

Joined: 18 Mar 2014, 10:00

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


Hello Gruntguru.

You write:
“If possible to rearrange the passages in the disk, it would be advantageous for the chamber to see a hot section of disk during combustion and power stroke - to reduce heat loss.”

Take the extreme case wherein the PatRoVa rotary valve is made of a “perfect” insulator (like some ceramic materials) having zero thermal conductivity.
The temperature at each point around the PatRoVa rotary valve flat surface will be equal to the temperature of the working medium when the specific point “sees” – through the window – the combustion chamber.

Take the other extreme case wherein the PatRoVa rotary valve is made of a “perfect” heat conductor (better than, say, silver).
The temperature around the PatRoVa rotary valve will be uniform.

With a PatRoVa rotary valve made of normal material like steel or spheroidal graphite iron or INVAR, or bronze, the temperature distribution around the rotary valve will be something between the two extremes.

More important seems to be how fast the cylinder gets rid of the exhausted gas altogether.

Manolis Pattakos

Tommy Cookers
Tommy Cookers
Joined: 17 Feb 2012, 16:55

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


manolis wrote: .......More important seems to be how fast the cylinder gets rid of the exhausted gas altogether.
is there a claim for more-complete-expansion by later opening of the exhaust valve (than possible with poppet valves) ?
ie if the RoV opening area is much greater

iirc the Bishop valve made the Ilmor bulkier than the poppet valve version ? (bigger cylinder centres for a given bore)
not a problem with the Ducati, of course
so a bigger bore was possible with poppets, this allowing relatively larger valve area anyway

btw the NA F1 had the CR limited by practical factors (area of valve clearance cutouts) to eg 13.2 needing only 95 octane (Shell)
efficiency gains eg at greater CR than this are surely negligible with a normal AFR and without Atkinson ? - partly because of increased dissociation

Joined: 18 Mar 2014, 10:00

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


Hello Tommy Cookers.

You write:

“is there a claim for more-complete-expansion by later opening of the exhaust valve (than possible with poppet valves) ?
ie if the RoV opening area is much greater”

Quote from the Technical Analysis og CycleWorld about the Ducati Panigale 1299:

“With the bore increasing from 112mm to 116, the most significant move is an appropriate increase in valve size to keep overall efficiency at the same level reached with the smaller version. But in this case, that principle of efficiency was sidelined and Sairu’s technical team focused on optimizing fluid dynamics to obtain the best possible cylinder filling over the broadest possible range of revs using the 1199’s 46.8mm inlet and 38.2mm exhaust valves. Valve lift is also unchanged, with 16mm inlet, 14.3mm exhaust. The result? A massive increase of torque starting at low rpm, and a solid horsepower increase with only a marginal loss of less than 300 rpm at the top end. It’s a terrific result that translates to significantly improved tractability and torque at all rpm. Just what the ultimate Ducati V-twin demands.”

End of quote.

The cylinder gets rid of the exhausted gas faster.

With 38.2mm exhaust valves (14.3mm valve lift) versus 46.8mm intake valves (16mm valve lift) there is a big difference between the intake and exhaust valve areas in the Panigale 1299.

In a simpleminded approach, the ratio of the intake port area to the exhaust port area is the ratio square of the intake to the exhaust valve diameters, i.e.:
( 46.8 / 38.2 ) ^ 2 = 1.5

In another simpleminded approach, this ratio equals to the intake valve diameter times the intake valve lift divided by the exhaust valve diameter times the exhaust valve lift, i.e.:
( 46.8 * 16 ) / ( 38.2 * 14.3 ) = 1.37

In either case, the intake port area appears substantially larger (say by 40%) than the exhaust port area.

It is like having a chock in the exhaust side.

However this is a necessary compromise: in order to maximize the volumetric efficiency, the size of the intake valves increases in expense of the size of the exhaust valves.

In the PatRoVa rotary valve the intake valve area and the exhaust valve area are equal (the same ports-windows of the combustion chamber are used for both, the intake and the exhaust).
With a total window-port area larger (by, say, 15%) than the intake valve area of the original Panigale, the (exhaust) window-port area of the PatRoVa Panigale gets more than 50% larger than the exhaust valve area of the original Panigale 1299.

There is more.

The rate the window-port area of the combustion chamber of the PatRoVa increases at the beginning of the exhaust, is faster than the rate the exhaust valve area of the original Panigale increases, giving an faster initial pressure and temperature drop.

It is also the freer flow: without a valve-head in front of the exhaust port, the exhausted gas goes from the cylinder straightforward to the exhaust plenum, while in the poppet valve Panigale the exhausted gas has to make the round around the exhaust-valve-head before reaching the exhaust port.

The previous offer new opportunities like the late opening of the exhaust (which means more complete expansion, colder exhaust gas, colder piston crown, colder engine, better fuel efficiency etc).

Another important characteristic / difference of PatRoVa;s architecture is the more efficient overlap. In the poppet valve design, the neighboring of the intake and exhaust valves causes more short-circuiting of intake – exhaust ports and less scavenging of the combustion chamber (leaving more residual gas and polluting the exhaust).


You also write:
“iirc the Bishop valve made the Ilmor bulkier than the poppet valve version ? (bigger cylinder centres for a given bore)
not a problem with the Ducati, of course
so a bigger bore was possible with poppets, this allowing relatively larger valve area anyway”

The opposite happens.

Quote from the article about the Bishop rotary valve at http://home.people.net.au/~mrbdesign/PD ... echBRV.pdf

“Bishop estimates that, compared to current 4 valve engines, weight savings up to 4kg/cylinder could be achieved on production BRV engines.
. . .
The 3 litre V10 F1 rotary valve engine weighed in at less than 80kg, making it easily the lightest V10 F1 engine ever built.
It weighed approximately 16kg less than the equivalent poppet valve engine with which it shared a similar bottom end.
A significant contributor to this weight reduction is the integral liner and head.
The presence of a head gasket requires very rigid heads and blocks and large stud loads to maintain adequate pressure on the gasket.
Not only can smaller studs and less stiff housings be used but the geometry of the integral liner and head itself greatly increases the stiffness of the head.

As most of the weight saving came from the top half of the engine there was also a considerable reduction in the engine’s centre of gravity (C of G). The cylinder head height was reduced by approximately 50mm producing a strikingly compact engine.”

End of Quote

Besides the weight, it is also the external dimesions wherein the Bishop rotary valve cylinder head appears substantially more compact:


Regarding the compactness, a drawback of the Bishop rotary valve is the complicated / expensive gear train required for the rotation / synchronization of the several rotary valves.

You also write:
“btw the NA F1 had the CR limited by practical factors (area of valve clearance cutouts) to eg 13.2 needing only 95 octane (Shell)
efficiency gains eg at greater CR than this are surely negligible with a normal AFR and without Atkinson ? - partly because of increased dissociation “

Having the option to use higher compression ratios is always better than being limited in lower compression ratios.

For a car or motorcycle engine the ability for substantially higher compression ratios without knocking gives new opportunities.

For instance, with a, say, 18:1 geometrical compression ratio and late intake valve closing (say, 90 degrees after BDC), at the low rev range the engine runs in Atkinson-Miller cycle (a part of the air-mixture entered into the cylinder returns back to the intake plenum), with the over-expansion improving the fuel efficiency (like in the Toyota PRIUS); at extreme revs, the late intake valve closing offers additional time (as in the old Ducatis) to the air / mixture to better fill the cylinder for the sake of more power.

For instance, being rid of the knocking problem, low quality fuels can be used.

For instance, with an adequately high compression ratio (say 16:1), the same engine can run either as spark ignition (with direct or indirect injection of gasoline), or as compression ignition (all it takes is a high pressure pump and a Diesel fuel injector in the combustion chamber), or even as a “spark ignition” wherein the injection of a small quantity of Diesel fuel into the compressed charge causes the fast combustion.

Manolis Pattakos

Joined: 21 Feb 2009, 07:43

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


manolis wrote:For a car or motorcycle engine the ability for substantially higher compression ratios without knocking gives new opportunities.

For instance, with a, say, 18:1 geometrical compression ratio and late intake valve closing (say, 90 degrees after BDC), at the low rev range the engine runs in Atkinson-Miller cycle (a part of the air-mixture entered into the cylinder returns back to the intake plenum), with the over-expansion improving the fuel efficiency (like in the Toyota PRIUS) . .
Although this is at the cost of reduced cylinder filling and therefore reduced output (at the rpm where this occurs).
Last edited by gruntguru on 07 Jul 2016, 23:15, edited 1 time in total.
je suis charlie

Joined: 18 Mar 2014, 10:00

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


Hello Gruntguru.

You write:
“Although this is at the cost of reduced cylinder filling and therefore reduced output.”

Not necessarily.

A characteristic of the PatRoVa rotary valve is that there is no rev limit for the cylinder head.

Provided the underneath parts (piston, connecting rod, cylinder, crankshaft, casing) can withstand extreme revs, the late intake closing means additional time for the filling of the cylinder and more power at higher revs.

For instance, at 2,000rpm the late intake closing (say at 90 deg after the BDC) allows some 40% of the charge entered into the cylinder to return back to the intake plenum during the upward motion of the piston, before the beginning of the actual compression (say, as in the Prius).

At 20,000rpm there is time shortage for the filling of the cylinder.
The piston moves too fast.
The air / air-fuel entering from the intake ports is not enough to fill the vacuum in the cylinder.
When the piston passes from the BDC, the vacuum is still significant.
At a crankshaft angle, say at 75 degrees after the BDC, the pressure inside the cylinder equals to the ambient pressure.
But the revs are extreme and the inertia of the entering gas stream causes the supercharging of the cylinder till the 90 degrees after the BDC when the intake closes and the fresh charge gets trapped into the cylinder (here plays the streamlining of the intake track).

This way the engine combines the claims of the Toyota Prius (on the fuel efficiency) and of the Ducati Panigale (on the specific power).

In the plot below (from http://www.bikeboy.org/duccamspec.html ) they are shown the valve lift profiles of several old Ducatis wherein; the focus was on the peak power; spot on when the intake valve close:


Manolis Pattakos

Brian Coat
Brian Coat
Joined: 16 Jun 2012, 18:42

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)



Re: Does it matter? I agree that the poppet valves not affecting the detonation does not matter. But this means "Without exhaust valves ... hot spots ... HUCR increases a lot. " may not be correct.

That does not disallow other potential knock benefits from your concept though, including higher rpm itself.

Re: BRV Ilmor engine not detonating. Consider how knock limited the poppet valve 2006-13 F1 atmo engines were ... not much at all, to my knowledge ... despite some very challenging chamber shapes and quite restricted fuel. The high RPM helps a lot.

Tommy Cookers
Tommy Cookers
Joined: 17 Feb 2012, 16:55

Re: 2 stroke thread (with occasional F1 relevance!)


Note to self .....
the Bishop RoV seems to have offered Ilmor no better breathing than did their developed poppet valve head
so my speculation about the RoV's possible sub-optimal gas speed was pointless
(though it is not clear to me that NA F1's VE of 140% could be developed if gas speeds were lower throughout, ie with some notionally ideal RoV)
the forms of RoV known hitherto seem to offer no real benefit to VE, as was found eg in the 1950s

if the PatRoVa offers greater exhaust flow capacity this should allow later EVO timing in any type of SI engine
ie greater expansion for any CR, and so greater efficiency (in unthrottled running anyway)
and more peak power if peak VE is maintained, ie if good inlet and exhaust 'tuned length' effects are available with this valve

@ Manolis
regarding the PatRoVa allowing raising the rpm of a destroked 1299 Ducati ......
your 3cc '18' OS engine example supports my original argument (surprisingly well considering that it's 200x smaller)
whilst it has 3.37x the piston acceleration of the Ducati, this is due to its b:s ratio of only about 1.04
if debored to this b:s ratio the Ducati piston is about 30% of its present mass, so the recip parts could tolerate 3.37x the present piston acceleration
ok you could raise your rpm further and get the same fatigue life as your 20000rpm F1 example - what's the warranty like on this ?

your plot of constant torque at all rpm seems odd for an NA engine without VVT
and incompatible with the effect of your late inlet valve reducing VE as rpm is reduced