Ecclestone wants to introduce medal system

In an interview with Croatian television, Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone explained his plans for the future of Formula One. Ecclestone wants to adopt the points system to stimulate overtaking in the sport.
Bernie Ecclestone said: "The problem is that people say that there isn't enough overtaking in F1. I've been around for so long and they've always said this. It has always been a problem. But I think there is no incentive for people to overtake. The drivers wait for pitstops or until something goes wrong.
"That's why I'm trying to change the points system. The winner gets gold medals, not points. So people who have won 6 races and one won 4 races, the one with 6 medals would be the winner. I hope that we can introduce the gold medal system and that it would change the lack of overtaking.
"I have already discussed this with Max Mosley and I believe that he thinks like I think and wants to give it a go. But we have a very democratic system."
Here you can watch the entire interview with Bernie Ecclestone: