Campos-Dallara chassis in production despite financial issues

The Dallara built chassis for the Campos Meta team is already in production, after having completed and passed all the required crash tests as requested by the FIA, although financial issues still exist. It is reported that Campos have an outstanding account with Dallara for their F1 chassis, with the former still looking for sponsor/investor revenue to complete the payments.
"I can say with pride that we have done a good job in design and development, all safety [crash] tests have been passed and production has gone ahead," said Gian Paolo Dallara.
Adding, "Unfortunately, factors outside our control are slowing the process down, but I am confident that we can find solutions so that our work is not lost."
Of the four new teams, only half have presented their cars while only Virgin having officialy tested thus far. Lotus will join the rest of the teams next week for their first official track outing.