First F1 car around Korea will be a Red Bull

Red Bull Racing’s Running Showcar will complete a lap of the all-new Korean Grand Prix Circuit on September 4 at the ‘Circuit Run 2010’ event. 3,000 people are expected to see an F1 car run on the Korean International Circuit in Yeongam, South Jeolla, for the first time. There will also be demonstration laps by other cars, including a Formula BMW.
Former Red Bull Junior Team member Karun Chandok will be behind the wheel.
"Red Bull Racing and I know each other from my days on the junior programme," said Karun. "The team's regular drivers weren't available due to other commitments, so I was happy to fill in. It'll be a real honour to be one of the first people to drive around the new Korean circuit. The layout looks quite good fun on paper and I look forward to driving a winning team’s car there next weekend".
Source Red Bull