Interview with Mike Gascoyne

Mike Gascoyne, Technical Director Chassis at the Panasonic Toyota Racing Team is talking about the TF106, the possibility to win a race in the upcoming Formula One season, the early launch, and his hopes for the 2006 season.
Interview with Mike Gascoyne
TF106 will be developing forever this year but where is the main emphasis? What are you looking for especially?
"The 105 was a very good car already aerodynamically, especially on a very high down force track, but the maximum downforce is less critical this year with the arrival of V8 engine, what is important this year is aero efficiency. We have to make the car with less drag. It is not herefore how to maximize the downforce level but how to make it more efficient aerodynamically. The 106 you see currently is not he one you see in the first race, as it has not for the latest aero parts. The new package will be introduced in the beginning of February where everything except the monocoque will be new."
You suffered a lot on the reartyres last year, are you on top of that for this year?
"We found out both 105 and 105 B had very weak rear ends, the front of 105 was much improved in 105B which highlighted the weakness of the rear even more. We have relooked at the rear suspension layout and we have made the rear end more controllable. The 106 has definitely more mechanical grip than 105, and I believe the new aero package will further enhance that."
You need reliability, good strategy, good teamwork in order to win, what is the strength of Toyota currently? Do you possess any of the mentioned qualities?
"You have to be also quick not only reliable, You have to read the race and think ahead the plan the strategy, and a good pit work is a must, if you fall short of any of those you will not win. The fact we could not win in 2005 shows we did lack in those qualities. I would like to think we have improved in every area really."
You have started the new car very early... do you think it will pay off?
"We wanted to make sure we are mechanically ok by bringing the car early and we opted to introduce the aero parts as soon as they are developed. Basically all the aero parts you see now will be thrown away, but we can clock up the mileage on the engine and also other mechanical parts of the car, which allows us to concentrate on the tyre development. We are still not making best use of the tyres, not as efficient as other users. We know what to do, and we know once the new aero is on the car it will be quicker. It is an extra work but I believe we can get the best of both worlds. We have the facilities and the resources to carry out this luxury."
Your wish for this year?
"To be the best Bridgestone user, we want to beat Ferrari. We have to win really. We have been up on the podium several times so we have no excuse."