Back to Bahrain

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The class of 2006 has arrived in Bahrain for the start of a new year. The first race weekend of the year is well and truly underway! From 10:00 onwards, the first journalists were authorised to enter the media accreditation centre to obtain their precious passes for the weekend. They then sped to the press centre to reserve their seats and telephone lines. Several minutes later, and the computer keyboards were already hard at work.

Team previews nestled in pigeon holes. While out in the paddock, the mechanics and engineers were finishing breakfast and continuing with preparations for the race.

A quick lap of the pit-lane was enough to see this year’s newest features. The order of the garages has changed: after five years at the top end, the Scuderia Ferrari has left its ‘home’ and the Renault F1 Team has moved in. “It’s funny, there’s nobody next door now!” joked a team member.

Next up are McLaren, Ferrari and Toyota. At the other end of the pit-lane, Super Aguri took its first bow on the world stage. Everybody is there. The 2006 chassis are naked in the garages, slowly being clothed with parts. As some busied themselves empting the final freight boxes, others are hard at work assembling the cars. It’s a meticulous, steady job. They fit, check, adjust. All the equipment is new, and it commands the utmost attention.

A few of the drivers appeared to say hello. They didn’t stay long, preferring to train at the hotel. It’s what Fernando and Fisico did, as well as some promotional activities with the new Megane F1 Team. Their technical programme will begin tomorrow, with a lap of the track on foot in the company of their engineers.

Today felt relaxed. There was no pressure – or rather if there was, it was being well hidden. Small groups chatted in the paddock, telling holiday stories and debating the latest quick times from testing. Journalists and contacts exchanged the latest morsels of truth, rumour and scandal. In the hospitality areas, the final touches were added. From menus to interview planners and guest passes, nothing can be left to chance.

Tomorrow, the excitement will begin to build. Official press conferences and interview sessions will be well attended. F1 will start again. It’s a natural process as the sport comes out of hibernation, and the people ask themselves wherever those four winter months went…

Source Renaultf1