Visa RB set to introduce a host of upgrades in Barcelona

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The Faenza-based Visa RB outfit is set to introduce a comprehensive set of upgrades at this weekend's Spanish Grand Prix as it bids to maintain its competitive form in the close midfield battle.

The Visa Cash RB team arrived in Barcelona with an eighth-placed finish from the previous round courtesy of Daniel Ricciardo, who scored four points in the wild race of Montreal. Technical Director Jody Egginton stressed that the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya might be a track which most of the drivers are familiar with, but it is still a challenging track due to the heat and the variety of corners.

“With Barcelona being a very well-used track, the amount of circuit evolution will be fairly standard, and track and ambient temperatures should be dry and warm, so there are no significant circuit modifications for this year’s race.

"The circuit provides a good test of competitor aerodynamics and tyre usage with a good mix of corner speeds, heavy braking and direction changes combined with a long main straight over the 4.65km lap.

"All the drivers are quite familiar with this track as it features in many of the junior championships, but it remains a challenging circuit with any off-track excursion being punished by the gravel run-off areas. With regards to our approach to the race, recent results have been reasonable and we have been scoring points.

Egginton has confirmed that his team will bring a set of upgrades to Barcelona from which the Italian squad hopes to help in the close midfield fight.

"However, the midfield battle is incredibly tight and we are under no illusion that we must deliver well-executed events to be towards the front of this group with a chance of scoring points. So, like for any other Grand Prix, there have been intensive preparations in the simulator and offline tools to prepare for this event.

"A significant amount of work was put in by Faenza and Bicester to prepare and deliver an aerodynamic update consisting of a floor, bodywork and rear wing for both cars, to provide a measurable performance benefit. As a result of having this update, the Friday sessions will be especially busy, in order to gather and process as much data as possible and get ready for Saturday onwards.”

Daniel Ricciardo missed last year's Spanish Grand Prix as he spent the first half of the 2023 season as Red Bull's reserve driver. It means that this weekend will mark the first time that Ricciardo will experience the old layout of the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya after the sport decided to ditch the uncomfortable chicane of the last sector and revert to the high-speed right-hand corner instead.

“Barcelona is always a track where everyone brings updates, so I think it’s going to be a really competitive weekend. Let’s see what everyone brings. I’m excited to drive it with the faster last sector that they changed for last year.

"I’m looking forward to getting back on that track. Normally, it’s quite familiar but we didn’t do any testing there this year, so should be fun. I’m looking forward to keeping this run going, trying to get some more Q3 appearances and points finishes.

"I’ve been waiting a while, but I like to think it’s the start of where my season continues to progress and show performances like I did in Montreal. Really looking forward to it and excited to get the European leg started," said Ricciardo.

His team-mate Yuki Tsunoda hopes that he can maintain his impressive run of form from recent races, disclosing that he has recently changed his approach to race weekends.

"Even though the race in Montreal didn’t go the way I wanted, and the weekend as a whole was a bit up and down, it was positive that we managed to turn things around from Free Practice to qualifying, from one extreme to another. It showed that, as a team, we know how to adapt, and we came back well to get to Q3 once again.

"This definitely gives me lots of confidence that we know how to turn things around and make them work! Now it’s time for Barcelona, which is a tough test for the car, but so far this season the VCARB 01 seems to perform well at all tracks, so I have no concerns on the performance side.

"As for the track itself, Sector 1 and Sector 3 are different animals and you can’t really have a car that is well-balanced in both of them, so you need to compromise, but we are not worried about that.

Speaking of the way he builds up his confidence over the race weekend, Tsunoda said: "The key will be to get a good understanding of how our package is working at this track as soon as possible during Free Practice and then get the most out of it. It's another track where overtaking is difficult so qualifying will again be very important.

"I seem to be performing quite well in quali in recent races, maybe it’s the way I build up to it over Free Practice and it’s also linked to controlling my emotions, managing myself better and doing it consistently. That makes your driving and feedback better and gives me extra confidence, so I’m looking forward to it," added the Japanese driver.