Triple-header in Europe is manageable, say Bottas and Alonso

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Kick Sauber driver Valtteri Bottas and Aston Martin racer Fernando Alonso thinks that the current European triple-header is feasible for drivers, but they acknowledge that team members might find it tougher to manage the condensed nature of the F1 calendar.

With last weekend's Spanish Grand Prix, the F1 field kicked off the season's first triple header of races. After the Barcelona round, the field is now heading to Spielberg for the Austrian Grand Prix which will be then followed by the Silverstone race with the three events taking place at three consecutive weekends.

The sport has already experimented with triple headers previously, and that has flagged concerns about team personnel being put under strain.

Kick Sauber driver Valtteri Bottas thinks that triple headers that take place in Europe are manageable for drivers, but they pose a bigger challenge for team members who spend long hours at the tracks. However, the Finn suggested that teams have learned how to deal with consecutive race weekends.

"I think, you know, the triple header in Europe, for me, it's still feasible. It is, of course, a really hard load for some team personnel who are doing the longest hours in the team but it's nothing new.

"We've had doubles and triples for some time and I think the teams are more and more prepared to do that with some circulation in terms of some of the staff etc. So, from a driver's side, for me it's OK, it's not a problem.

"But I know that it's tough for some, but manageable if you do it right. But for that you need the team support to make sure that people stay healthy and not to work silly, silly hours," concluded Bottas.

Aston Martin racer Fernando Alonso echoed the Bottas' words, and indicated that long-haul flights that included the early races in Japan, Australia and China were more exhausting than the current European rounds that take place at consecutive weekends.

"Yes, similar comments, but I think it's not too bad being in Europe, and I think the teams are now quite well-prepared for this kind of challenges.

"I think it was tough at the beginning of the year for me, much more than now. I think Japan, Australia, China separated with one week in between, it was even harder, I think, for team personnel.