Doornbos fanclubmeeting great success!

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The first Robert Doornbos Fanclubmeeting in Zoetermeer emerged to be a great succes yesterday! Together with some 750 visitors, existing of loyal fanclubmembers and their guests, Robert Doornbos enjoyed a fun and action-packed day, in which everyone could ask Robert their personal questions, take a picture with him or get his autograph for instance.

In between the podium interviews with SBS6 Autosport pitreporter Jack Plooij, all visitors also had the opportunity to race against their idol in one of the eight racesimulators or have a go against Robert in the tubegliding competion at the exclusive Robert Doornbos slope. Non surprisingly, also the newly introduced merchandising products were very in demand!

Robert Doornbos “This was really great! This morning I first had to pinch myself to realise that I had my own fanclubmeeting here, haha! I’m proud to have such a fun and large fanbase who support me 24/7. I hope everyone had the time of their live, but looking at all the smiles on their faces I guess we succeeded just fine! This year we will definitely organise more events, so I hope to meet everyone again than!”

But the Robert Doornbos fanclubmeeting would not have been complete without a challenging competition on the programme. Therefore everyone could demonstrate their speed while gliding downhill at tubes from the exclusive Robert Doornbos slope. Though the competition was very tough, Arjan Jongeneel (fanclub member 1108) proved to be the man to beat. The 26-year old inhabitant of Coevorden won a trip to the European Grand Prix including a visiti to tha paddock and pits for two persons!

Arjan Jongeneel “I’m still shaking of adrenaline. This was a fun event in which everything was organised really well and it’s fantastic to see how Robert is still such a normal guy! It have been my wsh for pretty long to visit a Grand Prix, but to be able to also walk in the paddock and to watch the practises out of the pitbox, is just unbelievable. I could not have wished me a better price! I can only recomment everyone to also become a member of Robert’s fanclub!”