Interesting steps for the next races - Renault

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A race driver festival in Barcelona for the second day of testing of the Renault F1 Team. With mild weather and 18 race drivers on track, this second day of testing in Barcelona seemed more like a Grand Prix weekend. With Fernando Alonso and Giancarlo Fisichella at the wheel of the R26, the Renault F1 Team was taking things seriously!

The programme of the day was mainly focused on chassis set up in order to adapt the R26 as effectively as possible to new Michelin tyres. Regarding the engine, the team continued working on the development of the B Spec, which has so far performed in line with expectations.

It was once again a very productive day with 218 laps covered by the team. Fernando was once again extremely competitive and set the second-fastest laptime in 1’14.532, which he recorded early this morning. His team-mate, Giancarlo Fisichella, worked hard on his first day of testing. He completed a busy programme today and finally set the fifth-fastest time of 1’15.105.

“We had a productive day once again and we completed an interesting programme on both cars. The package was extremely reliable, which allowed us to do lots of running and to complete our programme. We learned a lot about the handling of the R26 and we made some interesting steps for the next races”, explained Christian Silk, Chief Test Engineer.

Tomorrow, Heikki will be back on track for the last day of testing alongside Giancarlo Fisichella.